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WC: 610

My eyes shot open; roaming the room until the darkness of my bedroom felt like it was smothering me. I rolled over and flicked on the bedside light, its warm glow forced some of the dark back. I looked to my right, the bed beside me was empty, but the sheets tussled like she'd was here, and for a second I wanted to believe it, but she wasn't, she was never here. The clock read 2:56 am in bright red letters, it was Wednesday. I rubbed the sleep and a stray tear from my eyes, if I closed them, I could still see her standing on the porch overlooking that lake, like the image of her, was tattooed on my eyelids. She was smiling, her green eyes shone like emeralds in sunlight, and her skin was still warm, and her heart still beating.  

The day that she died part of me died too.

It has been over a year since I watched her lower into the earth. That day was blurry from tears, but the days and weeks following were blurry from the alcohol I consumed, attempting to make myself numb. It has been over a year since that day but now and then I still dreamt of the memories we made together, and the memories that we might have made if she wasn't taken so early. I woke up after those dreams believing for a second that she was lying next to me, the corners of her mouth upturned slightly as she dreamt.

I used to think that friends were supposed to be by your side forever, but sadly that doesn't always happen.

The dream I dreamt tonight, well its last night by now I guess, was the most vivid, I could still hear the sound of the lacrosse ball bouncing off the orange goal post and rolling over to Harrison and me. Damn, I can't imagine what my life would be like if that ball made it in the net.

The dream I had last night was so vivid it might as well have been happening in real time. I swear if anyone else saw my dream, they would think that it was happening in real time as if my dream was real life. But that all happened last year, and a bit of the year before.

So Ellie, if there was any way that you could see inside my head while I dreamt, then I am sure that you know this, but it is the little pieces of you that I miss the most.

A/n: First off, a huge thank you, everyone, who has stuck with this story thus far, I know that it has been a bumpy road, but all of your comments and support kept me motivated to keep going and finish this story. Secondly, I tried to kinda explain but not explain above that the entire story was a dream of Tom's, it all is what happened, but it was him remembering things, sure it probably should have been in first person, and other shit won't make complete sense if you think about it too hard - so don't, but yeah.

This story was also my longest story to date at 48.55k words and 150 pages, so I am pretty proud of that :)

The next story that I am writing is a MOB! AU called Love Kills. The first chapter is going to go live on July 10 2019 so be sure to check that out!

Thank you again for reading, it means a lot!

Until next time,

-Nicole :)

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