
655 21 5

Updates: honestly i dont even know at this point

WC: 4.1k

Friends are supposed to be by your side forever, at least, they should be.

"What is your endgame here, Hanna?" Elenora asked as her eyes scanned the apartment, searching for something, anything to distract Hanna long enough for her and SJ to escape.

Hanna laughed as she shook her head as if to say 'silly, silly girl.'

"What does my mother want?" Elenora pressed, a new demanding tone in her voice emerged, a sound that SJ rarely heard from her best friend.

"Oh, darling, she wants you." Hanna said simply, taking another step towards Elenora and SJ who were standing on the rug in the living room.

"Then take me, leave my friends alone." Elenora said, taking a step towards the petite woman, who somehow still managed to seem threating.

"They know too much." Hanna replied.

"We don't know anything." SJ pipped up, nerved radiating through her body, evident from her bag shaking slightly in her white-knuckled grasp.

"Nice try dearie, I know that you know that Genevieve is a killer, and even if you didn't know that, now you do, so I have a perfect excuse to kill you too."

SJ's heart caught in her throat. She had no idea how to get out of this. Neither did Elenora for that matter, but she sure as hell was going to try.

"Let SJ go, leave my friends alone and you can take me where ever you want." Elenora tried to bargain.

"You Elenora, are in no place to be making demands."

"I don't think so." Elenora said.

She reached over to the table that stood only a foot or so from where she and SJ were standing, a large vase from the three months that SJ attempted to make pottery rested atop the table. Elenora threw the vase as hard as she could at Hanna, missing her by a couple inches but catching her by surprise long enough for Elenora and SJ to make a run for the door.

The girls scrambled through the door and down the stairs. They both jumped into SJ's car and sped down the few hundred-foot stretch to the boys' apartment.

"Genevieve, they know everything. I tried to stop your daughter, but she is really her mother's daughter. A flip switched in her, and her entire mindset changed, now she thinks like you or I would. The girls got away this time, but I am going to follow them. Elenora will be delivered to you, and her friends will be taken care of. Your empire will be rebuilt. I promise.

Harrison saw the girls pull up outside and ran out the door with Tom close on his heels.

"Are you going to finally tell us what the hell is going on?" Harrison asked as he slid into the backseat with a duffel bag.

"Long story short," Elenora started, trying to figure out what to say first, "My mother is an international assassin, and we think – no we know that someone who works for her is after us; therefore my mother is after us."

"I thought that your mom was super nice and worked at a nursery." Tom interjected as SJ pulled the car onto the main road that led out of the sleepy town.

"Margret is kind and sweet and works in a nursery, I'm talking about my birth mother who has managed to kill countless people and evade police at every turn." Elenora said. The gravity and shock factor over who her mother is no longer affected her. Saying that her birth mother was a killer slipped off her tongue as easily as asking for sugar with her tea.

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