Chapter 2 - Ignorance is Bliss

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Ignorance is bliss. That's something I've heard people say, but I don't exactly follow that mantra. However, it was my intention to give it a go the next day of school.

I went the whole day without saying anything about the previous evening to the girls. And, surprisingly, they did the same. I was right the whole time, it wasn't a big deal at all. If something was wrong they would tell me, I'm sure of it.

At lunch, we all sat together at our usual table, surrounded by Tom Green and his group of boisterous but undoubtedly handsome friends. They were extremely attractive, and their charming demeanours only added to that fact. They were rampant, the very same type of boys that would make mothers and fathers say "boys will be boys".

Regardless of their loud behaviour, I felt valiant sitting amongst them. I also felt a sense of self-consciousness around them. I was hyper-aware of every word I said, every joke they didn't laugh at. I'd genuinely think about it for the rest of the day. And yes, I hate myself for it, but I can't help it. It's as if I like being on edge around them, as if conversation is an obstacle course.

The boys were talking about the latest football game, acting out every single move and throw with excessive gestures. I didn't even have to look at Lucy to know she was gazing up at them, lust in her eyes.

Lucy is gorgeous, without a doubt, she never has trouble getting whatever boy she wants. However, it's one of Lucy's flaws that she simply cannot be friends with boys. They've either already had their shot with her or are next in line.

I won't lie, I find it slightly weird. I grew up with brothers and played with the boys on my street as much as the girls. I'm not sure if that's resulted in me being able to be friends with boys and not try to make out with them or not, but Lucy surely didn't have that upbringing. Lucy was the youngest of 4 girls, a dynamic that scared me and made me envy her at the same time.

 I was on good terms with the boys in school. Tom's best friend Ben and I would be like bickering siblings. I loved it, it was refreshing to have a boy around to dilute the girl talk. However, I would never even think about having Ben as a boyfriend, or even kiss him for that matter.

To break my train of thought, the one and only Ben himself gave me a light slap on the head.

"Pay attention, we're talking about me" he said, staring me down. A short giggle followed, his body leaning back to its previous position.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and turned around to face the entire group. Ben continued the conversation I had regrettably missed the beginning of.

"So, I was thinking of having the party this weekend, but it would only be a small group of people"

"Can we stay the night, Ben?"

Take a wild guess who asked that.

Lucy looked up at Ben with her big blue eyes, her eyelash extensions casting a shadow on her small, pretty face.

Ben simply replied with a boyish chuckle.

"I guess it depends how the night turns out" Tom said for him.

I don't even know what that was meant to mean.

To keep the conversation about the party alive, I asked the girls what they would be wearing, so we were all on the same page. I would be mortified if I showed up more formal or more casual than the rest of the girls.

The boys quickly removed themselves from the conversation and began a quieter conversation between themselves.


We got Tom to give us a ride to the party from my house, where we got ready together. An hour before we left however, Lucy asked could Jada come over and get ready with us. 

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