Chapter Twenty-Three: Starlight Celebration, Pt 2

Start from the beginning

Avris gave her a look that said she was missing something right in front of her. "Katerin. You saved many lives. The people of O'siaris, my people... and more." She gestured over the crowd. "And are you forgetting that your words and actions are the reason there is peace between us and Sahn-Raidar?"

Katerin paused, mouth open—Avris was right. Her brow wrinkled as she thought. "I hadn't looked at it that way."

Avris nodded curtly. "You should." She looked over the boughs of the trees, watching her people as they celebrated. "Join the festivities. Our people are thankful, and times like these are rare," she said. "Peace is fleeting, like summer fruit."

Katerin stood. "I will, my lady. Thank you," she said, before bowing and walking away.

She spotted Arjiah by a wooden bar. Do'vak right beside her. He was talking about children and their many blessings, smiling broadly while doing so. The two had spent most of their time together tonight. She would have to talk to Arjiah, later. It seemed she had quite the admirer. She found Brazen, busy arm wrestling men three times his size, with a strange smile on his face.

She talked with many of the people, calming her nerves and trying to relax as they questioned her and gave her smiles and pats on the back. When the crowd had calmed a little, she spotted Fykes, sitting alone at a table with a bottle in his hand. She scurried toward him, and he pulled a chair out for her.

"You're the life of the party," he said, in a teasing tone.

She sighed, taking a quick breath. "I'm not used to all this attention," she said, feeling as if she was repeating herself too much.

"This'll help," he told her, pushing the alcohol her way.

"Thanks," she said, taking a long gulp.

"You want anything else with that?" he asked, eyebrows raised. He held up a pitcher of carica juice.

She shook her head, coughing a bit. "No... I'm alright." She looked at him for a moment. "So how is it that you can mess with me about all these people while you're over here all alone?" She grinned and gave him a questioning look.

He returned her look with a mischievous smile. "I am the life of the party. I don't have to try."

"You look more like the alcoholic in the corner," she said, unable to keep a straight face.

He snorted, eyes sparkling as he stood up and offered her his hand. "Dance with me, then."

She felt her cheeks heat up and bowed her head, hoping her hair would cover the evidence. "I can't dance."

He laughed, "C'mon. It's not every night you get to be celebrated as a hero." She hesitantly took his hand, and he pulled her to her feet. "It'll be fun. I promise." He led her out to the wooden platform in the trees.

Everyone, even children, were dancing as a soft song played. The song reminded her of the forest. Soft, but alive, ever-changing, aging. "Do you really want to do this?" she asked under her breath. "They'll be laughing instead of celebrating..."

He smiled and took both her hands, "Laughter is a celebratory thing, if you didn't know."

She tried to glare but was far too nervous. "It's not fun when everyone is laughing at you."

He sighed. "Just relax."

And just like that, they started dancing. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and did her best to hide her face. As they moved, she watched the stars behind him, took a moment to just breathe the cool night air in—with all the scents of people, food and drink.

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