Chapter Twenty-Seven: Crimson Embrace

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It took them hours to navigate the processed tunnels of the mines. As they traveled, the air chilled and the scent of dust slowly dissipated. For the last hour, they had walked a natural cavern, and now Beymor's map was of no further use to them. It was dark, dank, and winding—so tight they walked single file.

Katerin kept a close eye on Fykes. While he was pale and still a bit slower than usual, he did not seem like he would drop dead at any moment, despite her suspicions. Arjiah had healed him again after he had rested, but Katerin still did not think he should be up and moving around. And if Fykes was injured again, Arjiah was the only one who had a chance of keeping him alive.

They broke free from the narrow passageway and found a plateau. They stepped onto a ledge that dropped off out of their vision to the darkness below. The stone formations that grew upon it were strangely sharp. The cavern just before this one had housed a pair of rather angry golems.

She winced as she finished tying a bandage around her arm and glanced with distaste at her hip, the memory of Juen'tal's stare still unsettling her. Arjiah had offered to heal her, but she had refused. She was not sure what they would face down here, and the bruises and cuts she had sustained would not keep her from acting, even if they pained her every movement.

"We can't scale this," Fykes said, staring down into the chasm.

"If we try to scoot down, we're going to be stabbed to death," Arjiah added.

"I can get us to the bottom," Katerin said, taking her staff back from Brazen as they all gave her curious looks. "You'll have to trust me, though." She spoke softly, looking only at Fykes. He had not spoken a word to her since the manor.

Why wouldn't we trust you? Brazen asked, blinking his too-bright blue eyes.

Because I don't always make the best decisions, she replied, gazing over the edge of the precipice. "If we jump, I can slow our fall well enough. And we should land on our feet, even."

"I trust you," Fykes said, holding out his hand to her, a pained ghost of a smile on his face.

His words were tense, but at least he had spoken.

"Don't get distracted," Arjiah said, offering a small grin.

Katerin nodded. "It's the safest thing I can offer."

They all grasped arms, stepping back from the ledge. "We run, and jump off on my count," Katerin said, ignoring the worry in her stomach. They ran and vaulted over the edge. She could hear the wind in her ears, caught glimpses of the sharp stones behind and beneath them. She released her breath and with it, the spell. Their fall slowed to a drifting sort of pace and they all landed with their feet evenly on the ground, swaying a little to the tight grips that held them together.

"Trust well placed," Arjiah said, patting her on the shoulder with a smile.

Brazen grinned at her. That was easy, he said, through their telepathic link.

As they caught their breath, they looked around they saw the cavern open around them. In the distance, a bright, pale white circular building shimmered in their vision. Ihmu'tahd buildings stood tall, looking far less worn than their counterparts had above ground.

Katerin grasped Arjiah's arm. "How... Arjiah, how could they have a city here?"

Arjiah laughed a light, bubbly sound. "I don't know... look how pristine they are!" She walked towards the buildings, a light appearing above her hand.

As they approached the buildings, they found themselves walking on a white-stone road. The same material as the buildings.

"It's luxian," Arjiah told them. "Processed differently. I was reading about it, but—" she cut off, staring at the buildings around her with awe.

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