Chapter Twenty Eight: Crimson Convergence

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Sulea held her cape close with one hand and grasped her weapon in another. A shining dagger, poison coating its blade.

"Please," Arnet said, his skeletal arm reaching towards them—beckoning. "Don't worry! It's so rare for the host to have a part in his own entertainment."

Avren's bow was already in his hands and he loosed an arrow with years of skill and training behind it. It flew through empty space, not meeting any target. Though there had been a target, not a second before.

Arnet appeared behind Avren, reaching out with his skeletal arm and grasping him by the neck. Avren choked, eyes bulging, as black energy swirled around him, sinking into his skin. Arnet dropped the man to the ground at his feet, shaking his hand as if he had touched excrement. A dagger whipped for his face, and he simply tilted his head, letting slice across his cheek, before it clattered to the ground. His prize was running for cover, trying to hide like a rat. "You can't hide here, my little spy." He tsked, as he called after Sulea.


Sheythe swallowed her panic and cast as fast as she could her metal staff gesturing through the air. Her spell wrapped around Arnet and the bindings fell away as soon as they appeared, as he looked at her. She cast another spell and sent bolts of fire raining down on him and he twitched as they touched his skin, not even burning his robes.

Her eyes widened as her spell did nothing to hurt him.

He pointed a finger and commanded her to die. Dark magic arced away from him, and her body dropped like a sack of grain. Lifeless at the utterance of one word.


Sulea watched as he spoke, and her companion died. Her heartbeat was steady, her thoughts clear, but behind the training and years of reacting within dangerous situations, her heart ached for her friends. She wanted to scream, to stop it. She was so tired of people dying around her, did not want to endure it anymore. She grasped her cloak and appeared behind Arnet, stabbing her dagger into his back, and pulling another free.


He grunted as he felt the dagger connect and its twin slashed down. Carving his robes apart, exposing a skeletal shoulder to match the arm.

Arnet's eyes glowed yellow and fixed on her as she dashed away. "I said you can't hide," His voice was sugary, almost cooing at her. He extended a hand, watching as the pillar she hid behind crumbled and broke apart. She rolled out of the way, searching for any kind of exit. He laughed, the sound echoed through the room. "Stay still," he commanded, and more magic arced away from him.


Sulea felt her mind start to shift away from her own thoughts. She fought it off focusing her thoughts on herself—her movement and strength—dashing for the side of the room.

He followed her, walking casually as if he strolled through a meadow.

She threw her daggers, one, then another, and both blades struck him but seemed inconsequential despite the fact that she had hit him right in the chest.

He looked at the blades with a wry expression before they disappeared and returned to her belt. "Come now," he chided. "I told you to stay still." His words were quiet, yet commanding. "We have so much to talk about."

She felt her mind being torn away. Her thoughts, her fears, and her reasons to run, every instinct disappeared and as they did, she stood still. She had no reason to disobey this man, powerful as he was. Best to make him a friend and ally, rather than an enemy, she thought.

Arnet smiled as she froze, "Come now. I'll show you to your rooms," he told her, brushing her hair from her face. "You went to such lengths to learn all my secrets. Now I get to learn yours."

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