Chapter Twenty One

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"I still think we should take some time away from New York, maybe take a cruise or something." Tony held (Y/n)'s hand as they walked through the park.

"You? Take time away? You're really funny, did you know that?" (Y/n) snorted, stopping and poking the glowing device on his chest. "Even if you have your new nanosuit, you'd be too worried. I'm happy anywhere as long as you're there by my side so let's just lock ourselves away at home and not come out for a week." Tony looked down at her with a wide smile.

"I really, really like the the sound of tha-" He was interrupted by some sort of magical hole opening up.

"Tony Stark?" A dark haired man with a trimmed beard spoke. "My name is Dr. Stephen Strange and I believe I have something of yours." The two stared at him. (Y/n) noticed Bruce and Danielle in the background, the latter giving a small wave, and looked back at Tony.

"Looks like duty calls." She gave him a quick kiss before shoving him towards the strange portal. "See you after your 'cool guy beards anonymous' meeting." Strange pulled her boyfriend into the room he was in.

"I won't be long." Tony managed to say before the portal closed. (Y/n) stood there for a few seconds considering what to do, deciding to just go home and catch up on some reading. As she turned the page, a glimmer caught her eye and she set down her book to look at her left hand.

 The rings on her finger were something that caused a few arguments between her and Tony. He wanted something flashy and expensive when he proposed, all the things (Y/n) tried to explain wouldn't be what made her happy. After several days of back and forth they finally met in the middle and he slid a modest but stylish ring on her left hand. Her mind then wandered to the small wedding with only their closest family and friends attended. Neither of them had thought of actually getting married once they mended their relationship but over time, Tony needed to prove that (Y/n) was the only one for him. In the middle of her revery, her phone began to go off.

"Mum! Are you okay? Jonas, the boys, and me are in the car on the way right now, we'll be there in about two hours." Dani's voice was frantic and panicked.

"Sweetheart, calm down! What is it?" For the first time that evening, she looked out of the window and nearly dropped the phone. A large circular alien ship was off in the distance in New York City. Though she was a few miles from the city, she could see a small object flying towards it. "No, no, no, no, NO!" She shouted.

"Is dad going after it?" Dani asked with fear, already knowing the answer. Hot tears streamed down (Y/n)'s face.

"I'm going to try and call him, please drive safe." She hung up on her daughter and frantically dialed her husband.

"Hi babe, how are things?" Tony answered innocently. She could hear a grunt of pain from him.

"Tony I swear to god if you die up there, I will never forgive you."

"Is that all you're worried about? I'll be fine. It's just aliens who are stealing a wizard."

"They took Stephen? Is Danielle okay?"

"She's fine, she's back with Bruce and Wong." A semi-relieved sigh escaped her. "Look, I know you're probably mad right now but-"

"I'm not mad, Tony. Well, not as much as I should be. Just..." She wiped at her face. "Please come home to me. You know, after you save the planet again." Tony laughed.

"I love you so much." He let out a groan and the line went dead.

"I love you too." She set the phone down and braced herself against the window, watching the ship rise out of the atmosphere. What would she do if she lost him? Again?

Dani and Jonas, each holding a fussy baby, hurried out of the elevator and towards (Y/n) and Tony's penthouse. Dani didn't have to knock before the door swung open and her mother wrapped her in her arms. (Y/n) pulled back quickly and looked at her grandson who she had accidentally squished in her hug.

"I'm sorry my sweet little Theo." She kissed his head lightly before doing the same to the other baby. "And I can't forget my handsome James, now can I?" She ushered her kids into the room and sat across from them as they set the boys on the floor to play.

"Did you talk to dad? Where is he?" Dani eyed her mother.

"He's-" She let out a bitter laugh. "Tony is on an alien ship that's god knows where." The three hours alone with her thoughts had allowed her to run through all the emotions she had. She was now painfully numb to the fact that her husband was out in space somewhere and maybe already dead.

"I'm sure he'll be alright." Jonas offered, not sure how to comfort his wife and his mother-in-law.

They sat talking and trying to keep their minds straight for hours, finally going to bed with no other word from Tony. The only communication was from Danielle who let them know she was flying to Wakanda with Bruce to keep Vision safe. When they awoke in the morning, there was still no word on Tony or the situation in Wakanda.

"I should call Danielle, right?" (Y/n) was pacing in the kitchen while the coffee brewed. Danielle was holding James and trying to feed him his baby food while Jonas was in the bathroom changing Theodore.

"She'll let us know if anything happens, I hope." Her daughter mumbled the last part. She feared for her dad and their friends safety but there was nothing they could do but wait. The coffee machine sounded that it was ready and (Y/n) poured three cups, grabbing two and heading to the table, sliding one to Dani. She set hers down and went to grab Jonas' cup.

"All changed!" Jonas cooed, sitting Theodore in the highchair beside his brother. He walked around the table to take the cup from (Y/n) when it slipped from her hand.

"Mom?" Dani looked up and screamed.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's okay-" (Y/n) tried to calm her, looking down as her hands begun to dissolve into nothing. They looked at Jonas when he sunk to his knees. James let out a wail that quickly silenced as his tiny form disappeared.

"No!" Dani sobbed, looking between her baby, her husband, and her mother. "What's happening?" She screamed, desperately trying to hold onto Jonas. Why was this happening? Screams and shouts could be heard throughout the apartment building but she only focused on her family.

"Dani, I love you." Jonas cried, holding what remained of his hand to her face. He was gone in an instant, and she turned to see her mother was all but gone as well.

"My sweet girl." (Y/n) cried, trying to reach for her but her arms turned to dust. "Stay stro-" (Y/n) joined her son-in-law and grandbaby in nothingness.

Tears ran down her face as she looked at where one of her babies once sat. She let out a guttural cry of despair. The only other living soul in the room was her little Theodore. Dani stumbled to her feet and pulled him into her arms, cradling him as she screamed and sobbed.

Growing UpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora