Chapter Nineteen

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Calloused fingers drummed against the table. He looked out at the street through dark sunglasses. His other hand held his head up, fingertips tapping against his baseball cap.

"Are you ready, sugar?" The pepper haired waitress smiled. He shook his head.

"Just a little bit longer." He sighed, returning his gaze to the window. Some old Genesis song played on the old worn down jukebox by the diner and Tony hummed along. It was one of (Y/n)'s favourite songs by them. "Where is she?" His drumming got more intense as his nerves got to him. After another fifteen minutes, Tony breathed a sigh of relief when he saw (Y/n) rushing across the street towards the diner.

"I am so sorry, I just got done unpacking my things and..." She fell silent as she slid into the booth, seeing the amusement on his face.

"How the tables have turned." He laughed, reaching across the table and taking her hand in his.

"What can I get such a cute couple?" The waitress beamed at the sight of her two old regulars finally back in their booth.

"I'll have a (fav food and drink)." (Y/n) handed her the two menus. "This idiot will have his regular burger and a Coke, oh and a large fry." She winked at the waitress and looked back at the 'incognito' man in front of her.

"Sure thing, anything for my oldest customers." They both stared at her for a moment before realizing she had always worked when they came in as teenagers. All three shared a warm smile before she left to put in their order.

"What a nice woman." (Y/n) grinned watching her leave. Tony reached across the table and startled her, grabbing her hand. She turned and met his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"You didn't deny it."

"Deny what?"

"So are we a couple again?" Tony swallowed hard, suddenly nervous for the answer. (Y/n) squeezed his hand, about to lean over and plant a kiss on his lips when the waitress returned with their food and drinks.

"Here you go, dears. We had it ready as soon as Mr. Stark walked in." She patted his shoulder and turned to greet the family that had just walked in. (Y/n), deciding that the moment had gone, dug into her food begrudgingly.

"(Y/n), I'm serious!" He whined.

"No you're not, you're Tony." She offered sarcastically, chewing her (fav food). "Look, can we discuss this somewhere other than a diner?"

"Fine." They ate, chatting about how well the wedding went, what they thought their daughter was doing right then, and about how Rhodey didn't want to admit that he cried like a baby when Dani walked down the aisle. When the food was gone, Tony paid and left a hefty two thousand dollar tip for their kind waitress of over twenty five years, and (Y/n) led him out into the warm New York weather. He put his shades back on before taking her hand to go back to the tower. (Y/n) didn't budge when he tried to pull her along, standing firmly in her spot.

"What is it?" Tony asked, confused. (Y/n) tugged him to stand directly in front of her, hands reaching to take off his silly sunglasses. She put them on her head and cupped both his cheeks, pulling him down in a heated but loving kiss.

"We aren't going to get married, that ship has long since sailed." (Y/n) said matter-of-factly when they broke apart. He nodded dumbly, still shook by the kiss. "But I suppose we can be together." She lowered the shades onto her face and started off for their home. Tony didn't move, simply staring after her as she weaved through the crowded sidewalk. She paused and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, as if to say 'Well, are you coming?'.

"God, that woman." He breathed before sprinting to catch up with the woman he loved.

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