Chapter One

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(Y/n) took a deep breath and straightened any wrinkles in her jeans. Today was going to be hard for them both but she needed to stay strong. She had to be there for him. It was the one year anniversary of Howard and Maria Stark's tragic accident and (Y/n) had skipped her classes to be with her best friend.

"Tony?" She knocked softly on his door. Jarvis turned the corner, the two exchanging sorrowful looks before the butler continued on his way. He knew that his young master was in the best hands for this painful time. "Tony it's me, please let me in." The door lock clicked and she heard him shuffle back to his previous position. She opened the door and entered, closing it behind herself. Tony was sat on the window ledge overlooking the garden. He didn't even acknowledge her presence. With a quiet sigh, (Y/n) crossed the room to sit with him. She took his hand in hers and squeezed, reassuring him that somehow, someway, it would all be okay.

Running his father's company had taken all his time and focus and it was the first time (Y/n) had seen him in a month. He looked drained. His russet eyes looked dull, dark bags rested under them, and he hadn't shaved in weeks. She couldn't help but notice the tears he refused to let go of. He always tried to be so put together and now it was her turn to be his shoulder to lean on.

"Come here." (Y/n) cooed softly, like a mother to her child. She pulled him into her arms and rested her cheek on his hair, stroking his back while he cried. Tears ran down her face as well but she'd be damned if he turned this on her. This was his time to be vulnerable, his time to feel safe. "Your parents loved you so much, Tony. You were their world, no matter what you might think. You're Jarvis' world, you're aunt Peggy's world, and you're my world." She whispered softly to him and rocked him, holding him tightly so that it might keep him together.

The two stayed clinging to one another for hours, neither making an effort to move. Jarvis peaked in from time to time to make sure they were still okay, silently grateful that Tony had a friend like (Y/n).

"(Y/n)?" Tony whispered hoarsely, pulling away just enough that he could see her face.

"What is it, brainiac?" She gave a soft smile despite the ache in her heart. He was awfully close to her and it made her cheeks heat up. "You okay?" His serious look made her worry. He leaned in and closed the distance, cupping her cheek and running his thumb over her cheeks to wipe away the remaining tears. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. They had been friends since they were children, having met by chance one day at a local park. She pushed him off, turning away to hide her embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it." He looked like a scolded puppy. Her heart broke just a little more at making him feel unwanted at the worst possible time.

"No, no, it's okay it just surprised me." She turned back to him. "You're just overwhelmed with the company and today, I-"

"No!" Tony's volume change startled (Y/n). "It has nothing to do with any of that. You've been there for me for fourteen years, from the first time you hit me in the head with your Stretch Armstrong to holding my head up after my twenty first birthday to my parents funeral."

"Tony you're confusing emotions." (Y/n) knew he was just misplacing his hectic feelings on her and she didn't want either of them to get hurt by that. She really cared for him and she knew allowing him to use her would eventually destroy their friendship. He didn't say anything else, just laid his head against her neck and peppered it with kisses. There was no use trying to resist. (Y/n) pulled away and crossed the room to lock the door, joining the young genius on his bed.

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