Chapter 56: Liars go to hell

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Xia Meilin wasn't going to be fooled by his statement, so the best way to deal with him was by ignoring him.

They entered the car and were driven back to Little Melon's school.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked as he looked at her.

"I guess so, why do you ask?"

He rested his back against the seat. "I want you to attend the Charity gala with me tomorrow night."

She blinked a few times as she turned to look at him, "Charity gala?"


"Okay... will we be bringing Xiao Gua?"

"No. He needs to sleep early as he has class the following day, he would be too tired if we bring him."

"I see... Then, I will let him know about this." Even if she wanted to bring him, Lu Yifeng was right. Little Melon was going to school now, she couldn't allow him to accompany her and let him stay up late.

When they arrived at the school gate and got down from the car, everyone was looking their way. They entered the school and saw Little Melon waiting by the school's entrance.

Little Melon was happily chatting with his new friends and there were a couple of them, even a couple of little girls would smile with a blush on their cheeks when they got noticed by Little Melon.

When he saw his parents, Little Melon waved goodbye to his new friends before he rushed to his parents. "Momma! Dada!"

Xia Meilin bent down and caught Little Melon in her arms, "It looks like you had a fun day."

"Yes! Mello made a lot of friends!" He grinned happily.

Xia Meilin scooped him up, "I'm so happy for you." She smiled back at him.

"Look dada! Mello has three stars on either hand!" He proudly showed his hands with red stars on it.

Lu Yifeng patted his head, with a small smile on his lips he said, "Good job."

The other kids who were waiting for their parents and the parents of the other children couldn't help but take a glance at the beautiful family of three.

"Mello's mama and papa look good too."

"His papa looks like Mello."

"I wish my papa and mama look as pretty as them."

While they were walking out of the school grounds, Little Melon kept on talking to his parents about what happened during his first day of school. He even mentioned all his new friends' names to them until they entered the car.

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