Chapter 55: Throw it out

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When Li Bingbing woke up, it was already around five in the afternoon. Her body was aching especially her lower regions. Was this Lu Xian Yu's payment to her for kicking him on his crotch last time?

She turned her head and saw Lu Xian Yu's peaceful sleeping face while he was groping her breast. What made her chuckle softly was how he looked like while he was sleeping, he looked like an obedient little boy.

She was a woman who loved admiring the beauties of men, if she could get her hands in every one of them, then she would be having a harem of her own with her true love as the main meal of course, but sadly, she doesn't really go out much of her place.

Li Bingbing moved his hand away from her breast before she went out of the bed.

She stumbled a bit when she tried to stand on the ground. Lu Xian Yu was one hell of a monster on the bed. All those energies that he has were not normal. She picked up his shirt that was neatly folded from the floor and wore it. She loved how oversized his polo shirt was and the smell in it was mint and chocolate, making her stomach rumble.

She went down and took the plastic bags that Lu Xian Yu left in the living room to the kitchen. She was really staring at that moment, she missed her lunch because of him.

When Li Bingbing opened one of the plastic bags, the head of the snake popped out and it looked at her.


Lu Xian Yu quickly woke up from his sleep when he heard Li Bingbing's scream. Since he was already wearing his boxers, he jumped out of the bed and hurriedly went out to follow where her scream came from.

He ended up seeing Li Bingbing running towards him instead, looking so panicked and scared. She quickly hid behind him. "Snake! The snake followed me home!"

"..." Lu Xian Yu suddenly remembered that he actually allowed the snake to hide in one of her plastic bags. He was planning on giving her a surprise when things didn't his way earlier.

"No wonder it suddenly disappeared... I was actually wondering where it went after I threw it away." He lied. He was not going to take a chance to experience her apartment's secret killing machine again. Who knew what it might be this time.

Li Bingbing wasn't able to see through his lie since her worry at that moment was getting the snake out of her apartment.

"Lu Xian Yu! Take it away! Please take it out!" Li Bingbing cried. Only snakes could make her cry like that. "I don't want it in my place! I don't! I don't!"

Since they were currently in good terms, Lu Xian Yu didn't mind taking it out for her. He turned to her and patted her head. "Okay, okay, I will take it out. Don't be scared now, okay? I'm here."

Li Bingbing looked up at Lu Xian Yu with her tearful gaze but aside from that, she looked at him like he was her savior. "Okay... can you please go and throw it out now?"

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