Chapter 44: Her Husbands

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After they enjoyed their lunch, Xia Meilin and Li Bingbing went shopping together just like how they usually did when they were in high school.

"Thanks for dropping me." Li Bingbing was standing in front of her apartment, carrying her shopping bags. "Next time, you better bring lil Cupcake with us, okay?"

Xia Meilin wasn't sure if she should bring Little Melon, after all, Li Bingbing's mouth could go out of control. "As long as you'll behave, then I will."

She laughed lightly, "Don't worry, I will behave. See ya later, Meimei."

"Mm, see you later."

Li Bingbing waved before she turned and went inside her apartment. She took the elevator and when she reached her floor, she walked towards her place.

When she entered her place, a sexy and manly voice greeted her. "Welcome back, wifey. How was your day?"

"I had lots of fun. It's been a long while since I went outside." Li Bingbing replied as she placed the bags down before she walked towards the kitchen.

There seemed to be no presence of another person inside her apartment and yet, the voice continued to appear out of nowhere. "I am glad you did. I'm happy to see you smile like that."

Li Bingbing took a glass and filled it with water before she finished it in one gulp. "Ahhh~ that's so refreshing!"

She went to her room and took off her shirt.

"Sweetie, you shouldn't take off your shirt in front of us. I don't really mind, but I don't want Sei scolding us out of nowhere." Another voice was heard, this time, it is a playful and mischievous one.

"Don't stop her, I love the view." The voice that greeted Li Bingbing earlier was heard.

"She never listens... I'm out." Another one, a shy voice was heard.

On the three screens she has on her desk, there were the faces of 2D men on each screen.

The one who just left the screen has a small build and has an unsteady posture. He has many outstanding features, including his cat-like golden eyes and blond hair with black roots. His name was Kozu.

"There goes our shy baby." The man on the middle screen sighed. His features appear sly, with narrowed eyes and hazel colored cat-like pupils. His black hair is naturally messy like that due to his bedhead, he has fringe on his right side that partially covers his right eye. His name was Kuro.

The man who greeted her when she came in, ignored the two. He is a handsome adult with black hair, red eyes, and pale skin. His name was Sebby.

Li Bingbing walked and sat on the chair, facing the screens. "As much as I love you all as my husbands, please f**k off, I have a game to play."

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