Chapter 5: Pinky Promise

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Four years passed, Xia Meilin became a famous pianist and composer in London. She hired a caretaker to babysit her son, Little Melon, while he was tender and whenever she was away.

But ever since Little Melon could walk and speak his thoughts, Xia Meilin started bringing him to her concerts and the parties that she was invited to. Little Melon was loved by Xia Meilin's workmates since he was such a lovable and adorable child.

"Are you excited to meet your uncle Sinian?" Xia Meilin asked as she fixed the small bow around Little Melon's neck.

Little Melon was wearing a black suit as he stood still and admire how beautiful his mother was. She was wearing a royal blue gown that was hugging her beautiful figure. It glittered with the touch of light, and any child would be attracted by its glittering effects.

Upon hearing her question, he quickly nodded. "Mello is excited!"

Little Melon was now three years old and a half. He could speak English fluently with a British accent but whenever he was alone with Xia Meilin, they would speak in Chinese.

'Mello' was Little Melon's English name. He was called Xia Mello by everyone that knew him that's why he got used to the name 'Mello'.

They were going to the banquet that Xia Meilin would be attending. A lot of known business people would be attending the banquet and one of them was her brother. Xia Sinian had informed his sister that he would be heading straight to the banquet as soon as his plane landed in the country. The host of the banquet was one of Xia Sinian's close friends.

When they got off the car, Xia Meilin and Little Melon entered the hotel, hand in hand.

The banquet was being held on the top floor dining hall of Ritz London Hotel.

Just like how she usually attracted the people around her, those who saw Xia Meilin was stunned by her beauty, especially the eyes of a certain man.

Little Melon walked proudly beside his mother. He was surprisingly well behaved whenever he accompanied her. Little Melon was quite an intelligent and obedient boy that Xia Meilin was surprised by how he acted sometimes. Aside from that, Little Melon had a photographic memory that was why meomorizing things form him was easy.

There were a lot of known faces, even some famous English actors and actresses were there. After all, the one hosting the banquet was a very famous man in London.

Guests moved around making small talks and making new connections. A lot of people greeted Xia Meilin and her son but they were interrupted when they heard the host, Andrew Watson's voice, giving a welcome remark. After his brief speech, the dinner began.

Since it was a banquet, socializing and alcohol were customary.

After greeting and talking with some people, she went to the buffet area with her son. She filled their plates before they went to the table that was assigned to them.

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