Part 10

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Y/N's POV:

I felt awful. I ruined his relationship and ruined our friendship. I walked out because I was scared. When he complimented me earlier... I felt... I felt amazing. He was so sweet. He seemed to enjoy my company. And I enjoyed his.

I stood outside his apartment for a minute. I knew there would be photographers trying to see us together. I was worried but I had to go. Although I would love too, I couldn't stay over. It would make everything worse.

I stood in the hallway pacing up and down. My heart was racing and I was shaking. I wanted to go home. To my family. To my friends. I was leaving in 2 days. That was too long. I had to go back. I thought i should wait until tomorrow otherwise it would be quite suspicious.

My heart started to beat faster. I couldn't deal with this anymore. I was panicking. I would be harassed if I went outside. But there would be so many news articles about me and Tom is i stayed. I started shaking. I was now sweating profusely. I felt light headed, so I turned around and knocked on Tom's door. Then. Black.

Tom's POV:

When y/n left. I felt broken. Although I've not know her long. I loved her. And not just for the fame. But for....her

I was sat at the table just after y/n left. We both knew there was paparazzi outside, but I'm sure she knows how to deal with it.
Suddenly, I here a knock and a crash outside my door. I don't want to go, but I know I should...
I walk over to the door and open it. I gasp from shock. y/n is lying on the floor. Still. She is breathing, but not normally, really quickly. She was unconscious. She must have had a panic attack.

I pick her up, she is really light, and I take her inside. I put her on my bed and sit there. Waiting. Hoping. Hoping that she will wake up.

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