Part 7

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The next day you got ready for the day.
You got dressed ready to meet Tom.
After putting on some makeup and doing your hair, you got a taxi to the cafe.

After putting on some makeup and doing your hair, you got a taxi to the cafe

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You knew there would be paparazzi so you wore glasses and covered your face. Surprisingly, there wasn't any. Apparently London is alot less busy than Hollywood, so no one was there. You walked into the cafe and saw Tom sat at a table near the back. You walked over to him and he got up and pulled out the chair for you. You sat down

"What a gentleman" you thought.

He then sat down opposite you.

"right, let's get this straight. Nothing happened that night did it? ." you asked

"no" he replied "we were both pretty drunk."

You laughed.
You started talking about what happend and you discussed the news articles.

"the articles said you were an actor, would I know you from anything?"

"possibly , I play Spiderman, I was in the impossible and I was in edge of winter. But you migtt not have seen them." he smiled at you.

"hold on a minute! You play Spiderman! I never knew. My brothers a big fan of marvel."

"yeah, I've been in 4 marvel films so far and my new one comes out soon." he smiled again.

"that's so awesome, are you a big Spiderman fan?"
His face lit up, from that you knew he was. He began talking about his childhood obsession with Spiderman and how it was his dream role.
You kept talking about your lives and then suddenly you heard shouting outside. It was the paparazzi, they found you. Tom asked the waitress if you could go out the back exit and they let you. Tom insisted on paying so you ran out first. He offered to take you back to his flat to hide. So you did.

You always hated being in public because you have been famous for a while and you are always found by paparazzi, especially in Hollywood.

You eventually got to his flat after his roommate came and picked you up from the back of the cafe.

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