Part 13

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Y/n's POV:

It was now the day I went home. I had a lovely day yesterday with tom and his family. They were so kind and welcoming. I'm sad to leave. I'm going to miss everyone. Especially Tom. He has treated me like a princess this little time I've known him. I want to be with him. I don't want to go but I have to.

As Tom drove me to the airport, talking about how much he was going to miss me, a single tear ran down my cheek. Even though I have only known him a few days, I love him. Like no one else. He's been there for me. Always.

Tom's POV:

I drove y/n to the airport today. She was going back to LA. As I was talking about how much I was going to miss her, I saw a single tear run down her cheek.
"what's wrong?" I ask
"I just.... Im going to miss you... Alot." she replied, now crying fully.
"I'm going to miss you too, but you have to go back, I'll come and visit some time. I promise."
"I'd love that." she said, we were now in the drop off zone for the airport. "call me every week. I want to know how you are doing and what you've been up too." she smiled.

Without thinking I leaned in. I could feel her shaky breath on my cheek. I put my hand on her face and wiped her tears away. Our lips touched softly before I pulled her in and kissed her. We pulled away a few seconds later and childish smiles adorned both our faces. We stared into each others eyes before someone behind us honked their horn. With that, we said our goodbyes and y/n stepped out of the car.

Y/N's POV:

As I stepped out the car, I heard screams from people who had seen what had happened. I didn't care, I just strutted into the airport and I walked to the plane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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