Chapter Nine: Appointments Are Necessary, Pt 2

Start from the beginning

He came back out a moment later with a cynical smile. "Good luck." He stalked back towards the stairs without even glancing back at her.

She entered the office and found what she expected, for once. Lavish furniture, beautiful rugs, and a liquor cabinet that would have made anyone envious. The man sitting at the desk was short and pudgy. He was dressed like a lord—threads of silver embroidering his black vest, with a soft gray shirt and black trousers. The fabrics looked expensive, and rare. A thick leather belt and ornate jeweled buckle held everything in place around his waist. He held himself with an air of self-importance and an arrogant look on his round features.

"What might you want, miss?" His voice had a nasal quality, and his polite tone was as fake as the smile he wore.

"Katerin," she said, groaning internally. She knew exactly what type of person this man would be. More arrogance than money, and an ego to match. The type to hire the gnome standing a story below me, she thought. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, so late... I'm looking for some information." She stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

He pointed his nose into the air, as if in an attempt to look down on her. "Information about what?" He looked at her expectantly. "You have five minutes, so please, get to the point."

"My Mother. Su—Drider Moonshadow. She came here, and I need to find her."

"What was she doing?" he asked, tapping his foot on the stone floor.

"I'm not exactly sure," she said, a frown crossing her face.

"I can't help you if you aren't sure," he said. "You now have four minutes."

As quickly and precisely as possible, she gave him all the details she cared to share about her mother, though he looked as if he heard not a word of it.

He sighed after her explanation, "So you're looking for something and you don't even know what it is." He gestured toward the door. "I have had a long day. Come back sometime in the next ten-day and maybe we can talk. If you have—"

"I have been traveling for months. Waiting here for hours. Just... look up the name? Please?" She stared at him intently, her eyes pleading blue pools.

He considered her for a moment, with a pinched expression, before he pulled a thick book from under his desk, scanning the pages with haste. "Your person of interest was a merchant," he said. "Came and left." He slammed the book closed and looked at her as though his job was done.

"A merchant? Which guild does she work for? When was she here?" Katerin asked, excitement pulling at her nerves.

"Not my problem. Now it seems to me that you have wasted more than enough of my time."

"Just tell me the name of the guild she was with? I still have one minute—"


She stood rigid, staring at him as she pulled her coin purse from her belt. "I can pay, if that's what you want."

His eyes widened and he laughed, the most genuine sound she had heard since entering the place.

"Can you pay for these supplies?" His tone was ice cold as he waved the book around. "Can you pay for the hit against my reputation after I have freely given away information that isn't mine to share?" When she was silent, he gave her an arrogant smile. "I thought not... leave or I will have you escorted out," he said, a threatening note in his voice. "Your minute is gone."

"Please," she said, desperation taking over the anger in her thoughts.

He only pointed at the door, clearing his throat.

Moonshadow (Book 1 of the Torrent Skies Saga)Where stories live. Discover now