Chapter 11 - The Heavenly Wedding

Start from the beginning

"It was a promise not a deal!" I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the red calming liquid in front of me.

"Same difference Ms.Sapphire ,now down on your knees"

The next moment ,Mr.Carter's breakfast was soaked in wine.

A nice touch, I must say

This time around I choked on wine and the outcome wasn't really appreciated by the man shooting daggers at me with his eyes screaming murder.

He shouldn't go around asking people to do outrageous things if he doesn't expect them to be surprised in the least.

The next few minutes were followed by utter silence as the waitress cleaned up the mess.

"Down on your knees" he seethed.

"Pardon me but have you lost your mind?"

"I'm completely sane Ms.Sapphire "he smiled but it wasn't the angelic one it was the evil one.

"Beg me to marry you and I need to see some tears ,oh and also you must be loud ,not that I need to tell you but just in case you decide this is the perfect time to be quiet "


"Now" he commanded.

I got down on my knees and he offered me a glass of water.

"How kind of you "I deadpanned.

"It's for the tears "

I looked at this man in awe ,he was completely serious.

I positioned myself and just as I was about start my most embarrassing venture yet ,my phone rings.

Saved by the phone

I quickly stood up and answered the call.

Danny's voice beamed through the phone and sent a huge wave of relief down my knees.

Danny I love youuuu!!

I excused myself and took my sweet time talking to him ,Danny's kitchen adventures never fail to entertain me.

After 15 minutes I was back and Mr.Carter was not in his seat.

My phone vibrated and a new message pops up

Saved by the phone but for how long?😏

I shiver ran down my spine and I left the restaurant feeling some how empty.



The guests started arriving and by guests I mean his colleagues and my friends .

I had sent out invitations to a few of my close friends, some called me, worried and some just congratulated me. Avery on the other hand was a whole another ordeal.

She was convinced there was something completely wrong and tried to coax me out of it ,but she finally gave up after I told her I loved him.

My mom couldn't make it but she was only displeased until she knew who he was. As long as he's rich ,he's the perfect groom.

The vintage church looked like it was pulled right out of heaven.

White and pink roses adorned the aisle and were cascading down the ceiling in various shapes.

The ceremony would start any minute now and Avery seemed elated.

"You look so beautiful Ivy!!!!!" She gushed hugging me in a death grip.

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