Chapter 12 • Encounter | Reincarnated From Vanity

Start from the beginning

"Oh,.. ok grandpa~ I'll take my leave then"


"Oh yeah and but don't go past dark!"

"I won't~~!"

As I hurried along to the capital's National Library.

Hearing loud jeers and laughter in the distance.
Even loud trumpets and drums goes off in uniform.

<I guess there even a parade>
<Good to boost the economy and currency circulation..>

Even though I do have Sensei, there's a hidden satisfaction in an actual library.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the city I suppose~
But it wouldn't be without a cost though.

They wouldn't let low commoners in...

Well I guess that is pretty much given, infact the library is up a hill, away from the slums a bit.
Getting in wouldn't need any identification as rural nobles are still considered nobles, but the attire must still fit the bill.
And infact I indeed do have a dress that qualifies. Saved up in [Dimensional Storage]
Used up 6 months of work for the dress and all.
And happen to have afford three dresses.
One for sleep, one for summer, and one for the library.
Well that's great and all...

Grandpa might cry if he heard that last one.

Well that's great and all but...
Gotta break the ice somehow

"Quit yapping about my business!"


< Well... that escalated quick...>

<Back alley, 57 steps away>
<3 men and one woman>
<Identitys unknown>

<That was rather faint though>
<Vampire hearing is great huh..>
<Well lead the way, sensei?>

As I hurried to the source of unrest as fast as my childish legs could take me.
Maybe a good thing I did bring grandpa's knife along with me...

"I ask that you return my necklace to me!"
"It is very important to me!"

"You know what lady, you should leave it to the better hands"

"No please giv-"

*A hand was landed to her mouth and pinned her to the wall

"You know boss, slut's a hot one!"
"Sell her clothes, her shoes, and have fun with her before selling to the brothel~"

"True, this wrench been a pest, let me have one"

*As the start to fasten her and undress her

"I reckon you stop there, isn't it too early to dolly around?"
"Brothel at 'Bearded' opens at dusk, could you wait it out till then fellas"

"Ahh isn't Gaius's Bastard Daughter?"

"No access to Bearded Axe if you keep this up"
<And I never liked that nickname...>

"Too bad we'll won't be in that shabby shack after this loot!"
"Piss off, you better off comforting that old man's ballocks than here!"

*As I step closer

And as I step closer, the more I can see their lower half...
Eww... But I had it once, just cleaner... Not to brag

"Hey turn back or you'll be next!"

I can see that poor girl eyes screams to leave her alone...
She's scared but...
It seems she accepted her fate too easily eh?
Could she care more about herself?
She's about to be ex-virgin illegally...

"That's it you've seen too much"

As his hand reach out to me by the neck...

<Sensei...., I believe you should take over>

<As you wish, Miss>

Suddenly my hand somehow held a knife drew blood on that person's right wrist.
I felt my body lean forward and my legs accelerating.
Next was the right armpits and left rib cage in single motion.

And as the next man was still undoing his pants, some how I reached his neck and caused a deep laceration.

Finally my body crashed the third which pinned the damsel, falling together.
Quickly rolling away over to see a him tattered in burnt marks.
My body crashed the wall with blood on my clothes.

Aghhh this might be tough to wash...
And it happened so quickly in an instant that it was hard to tell the details
Sensei can be brutal sometimes huh...

And there I was... using the wall to support myself as I kept breathing roughly.

Then they all fell flat or on their knees.

Well they probably shocked with the blood...

I see...huh?

Wait wasn't the third guy threatened the lady with a knife?
As my left arm had a large cut, 7cm long?

Wait... I didn't feel anything though...
Probably the adrenaline pumping...
Light headed...

<Well.. thanks Sensei...>

<Forgive me for the inadequate execution..>
<It was the best considering timing and your body capacity...>

As I see her come up to me to support myself

"How could you do to yourself!"
"You should have run away!"

I was to tired anyway to speak...
Stamina really that low huh?

"Are you alright there?"
"Look you have a deep cut here.."

"Milady where have you been!"
"We've been searching all over"

"Wait! I can explain!"

"What's this?!?"

"How could this be..."

"Criminals who dare touch mistress must be tortured before execution!"

"Tie them up for further interrogation, for now send them the the dungeon!"

As I too was quickly tied up and sent into walk... Ish
I fainted halfway because off the rough handling and because prior...
Or maybe because I'm still a child,
I mean who would suspect a child? Who?

"Wait she's not the one...."

"..We have ......."


As the my senses blur with my inner thoughts within.

Joshua J. Susanto

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