Mystery letter

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"What were you just doing?"

The question shot through me and I could literally invision an assortments of paths that could follow in the next few seconds. Dark with his arms crossed over his chest stood infront of me, his gaze was unreadable. The keys to the basement were now hidden in the backpocket of my skinny jeans with their outline still visible.

"I was trying to find you," He didn't seem to believe me so I continued. "and since there was no trace of you upstairs I concluded that you were in the basement."

His tense posture slumped a little as he fell for my lies, but wary enough he asked. "Was there something you wanted?"

Excuse? Nothing was there in first place for me to want from this ruthless murderer. "Well.. I... Uh.." And before he got the opportunity to act upon his suspicious thoughts, my stomach whined and screamed for food.

Dark laughed. "I understand, I'm sorry for being so dubious. If you're hungry, you'll have to wait. I'm kind of a slow and... not so good cook."

I proceeded to walk up the remaining stairs as Dark went to the kitchen. The key had to be put back or else he would definetelly catch on my attempt in going through his stuff.

Stealthily, I started going to Dark's bedroom. The bathroom across his room gave me an idea, I opened the faucet and made it look like I was having a shower. Entering his room I put back his key in drawer but before shutting it, my curiosity took the best of me. The already opened letter was no longer in the wooden drawer as I had snatched it to read its contents.

Dear Darky,

It's been a long time since our last encounter, I thought I'd never talk to you again. As usual Celline helped you disappear with no trace. I wish she'd do the same for me but she only cares for you, even in her last moments. What a pity, if only she listened to me.

Anyway, I've sent this letter to inform you of a certain incident. After abandoning me, alone, with no one to watch my back I messed up big time. You see, I would have notified you a few months earlier but I'm not the one in trouble and you know it. It's not my fault it was an accident, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have occured if it was under your supervision. Celline bravilly fought back, only to collapse severely injured. It was disappointing to see her in such state, she was too weak and I'm sorry for that. I should have stepped in. Had I done that, her head wouldn't have been caved in.

Since the fault is on you, he's planning on giving you the double amount of misery your sorry ass is worthy of. So from the depths of my heart, I hope you get what you deserve.


Who's Wingleheimer? Maybe it's some kind of nickname. The writting was pretty, although it seemed like the person who had written it had pressed the pen a little too hard in the end. As soon as I set it back I heard the water running and sprinted to the bathroom. I closed the door and faucet, the bath had overflowed a little bit but it was nothing worrysome.

I decided to take a bath since I had already prepared for one.


"Do you like it?" The soup wasn't all bad, just... unique? "I had to improvise, there as many ingredients as I expected."

"It's fine." I continued to slurp.

"Do the wash up, will you? I'll be in my room if you need anything." He sat up, left the plate in the sink and walked to his room.

Only two dishes were in the sink, so it didn't take long for me to do the task. As I turned around to go to my roo-

"(Y/N)! Come in here right now!" He demanded as I heard something smash on the wall.

The door was shut, so I knocked. No sooner had I knocked than the door abruptly swung open, revealing a furious Dark behind it. His hand snatched the back of my neck as if I was some puppy and he dragged me in, locking us in the room.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tears were leaking from my eyes and I hadn't even noticed it.

"Tell me (Y/N), have you been sticking your nose in my belongings?" He threw me on the floor in front of the half- closed drawer. "Not only did you get all up in my business but you failed at it too."

With a swift move I got up, grabbing the knife. "Stay away."

"Seriously?" He inched forward. "Are you threatening me? Of all my victims I thought you'd be the smartest."


Sorry for being late and I know this is a short chapter but I'll publish chapter 12 as soon as I can.

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