You don't exist.

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"Does Ḍ̴̝͠a̶̼͑ṟ̷͝k̵̘̕i̸̧̍̈́p̸̱̔l̵͍͗ḭ̸̢͐e̶̤̮̚r̴̭̎ have a crush?" The man I bumped into retorted.

I saw Dark take a step closer and Anti pressed the knife more, drawing blood. It stained my t-shirt and the new wound on my neck stung. Anti's other arm held my hands behind my back.

"Anti," Dark's voice deepened. "let," His eyes turned completely black and I couldn't help it, I began freaking out. "her," I squirmed in Anti's grasp, not caring if his knife sliced more cuts on my neck. "go." Dark eerily calm, warned his rival as red and blue emitted from his body.

Anti growled. "Stop moving or I'll slice your jugular open."

Before the two of them could do something else, I kicked Anti between his legs and he lost his balance. His hands slipped and released me. I stumbled forwards and into Dark's grey hands. I could sense his fury and the forming holes in the back of my head from Anti's glare.

I looked up at Dark. His eyes were focused on the person in front of us. "Why don't you go back to you're little vessel?" He smirked. "You haven't even managed to stop your pestilent glitches."

I turned my head to look at Anti. His face wore a unreadable expression. Madness mixed with anger and... happiness? "I'm not weak." He gestured to a random direction with his

"Ḧ̴̨̧̱̠̭̯̤͙͍́̔̏ė̵̙̬̤́͆́͝ ̸̤̜̟̠̮̝̩͇̞̦͙͗͜͜w̶̧̧̢̳̗̝͉͕͇͇͓͉̝͈̎͘͝͝à̵̧̌̽̋̎̄̄͑̕ͅs̶̡̛̖̘̞͙̰̤̱͎͇͉͇̱͆̈́̆̈͐̿̿͋̄ ̶̤̼͎͙͍͉͍̅̇͆t̵͙͎́́͊͋͋̒ȏ̷̧͌̄̀̿͌̒̆̓̕͘͜͝ő̴̧̨̡̺̲̳̅̌̚͝͝ ̷̛̬͖͖̊̾̍͌̎̽̆̈́̄̒̐͐̋ẃ̴̧͖̟̖̹͔̞̤̱͙͎͓͔͎͚̀̎̇̌̎̂̌͌̓̓ė̸̖͉͇̲̲̯̫̹̜͉̹̓̓͜͜ą̵̘͂͋̈̈́͌͒̒͑̚ķ̵̧͚̭̰̩̤͎̤̤͚̹̳̈́͐̊͝ͅ!̶̢̯̭͇̳͈̥̰̩̰̥̐͌̽̈̆̚͝" He


I buried my face in Dark's chest. "What do you want, Anti?" Dark asked and his arm snaked around my waist. I didn't know what to do. I was in the arms of a crazed cannibal.

"She's seen too much," Dark's arm became tighter as if it would secure me more. "I wanna get rid of the evidence. Isn't that what we do best?" He stepped closer.

Dark glanced at me and turned to Anti. "You're right," He agreed and his voice had a normal base tone to it. "I'll do it."

"G̶̪͐̈́o̷̤̖̣͐͒ő̷͉̗̕d̴̘̯̼͆̀͘,̵̹̝͑ ̸̨̦̓́Ị̵̪̀'̶̦̰͆̃ḿ̷̧̥̫̕ ̴͕͕̗͌̊g̷̻̣̔̈́͠l̴̳̦̄͋a̸̧̧͗̌d̷̻̠̓̀ ̵̡͉̞̍̊̓y̵̜͓̠̋̄o̸̻̊u̵͎̘͆ ̶̩͎̹̈́̄́c̶͓̞̝̅̈ȃ̵͎̤͓͝m̶͖̾͑̀ͅẹ̷̳̖͗̄ ̶̡̤̺̏b̷̯̦̤͑a̸̙͙͐c̸̺͕̹͆̓̓k̶͇̂̒ ̸̳͘t̵͙̍̔̕o̷̜̥̒̋̔͜ ̴͔̠̜̚ý̶̲̊o̶͖̤̞̔̓̎ù̷̢̮̈r̸̲̪͈̈́͝ ̶͔͆̋͝ș̶͈̊̑ë̷͈̊͛n̴͔͂̍̍s̴̰̿̄́ẻ̶̦͓s̶̘͎̳̓." Anti glitched out from existence.

Did he teleport? How?

"Now," I looked up at Dark's eyes, whimpering. "what do I do with you?" His deep threatening tone had returned.

My vision blacked out for a few milliseconds. I was no longer in Dark's grip. I was sitting down on a hard metallic chair. Dark strapped my wrists on its arms.

"What are you going to do to me?" A tear rolled down my cheek. He grabbed my hair and pushed my head on the headrest, strapping it down. My legs flailed around and as he knelt down to tie them down, I kicked his chin. He didn't budge.

After restricting me on the chair, he walked towards a table with his back facing me. "You're going to regret that." He picked up a scalpel and a pair of forceps.

He turned around with a wide grin plastered on his face. He ripped my pants off and exposed my thighs. He stabbed the scalpel in my flesh. I shrieked and he cackled maniacally. His hand dragged the surgery tool downwards and I tried to keep myself together. He ripped the muscle in my thigh and picked up the pair of forceps.

Without any warning he inserted them in the slit and opened them. The blood gashed out of my leg and I stopped screaming. My eyes grew dull as they still remained wide from the pain. Dark glanced at his accomplishment and back at me.

Somehow, he didn't seem satisfied. Whether it was the reaction he had gained from me or his actions, something didn't feel right. He sighed and I stared into nothing still shocked. He lightly slapped me on my left cheek. "Hey." He tried to wake me up. He did it again. No response.

He groaned and stood up. He pulled out the tools and went back to the table. He groaned frustrated. I could distinguish a control panel as he toyed with some switches.

A strong wave of electricity hit me and I convulsed violently. It ended as soon as it arrived. Dark seemed to stare in disbelief and repeated the process, only this time with much more power. My body spasmed uncontrollably and he turned the electricity off.

Saliva drizzled down my chin as my mouth trembled. "Y-you," I whispered feebly. "d-don't exi-ist."

"What, darling?" He approached me.

"You-u c-can't e-exi-ist." I stuttered out louder that my last assertion.

I couldn't comprehend the fact that I was being tortured by this evil thing. He wasn't a cannibal. He was worse.

"Now, now..." He laughed. "Don't be rude." What? "Your speculation of me is pretty judgemental."

I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into. The pain in my leg came back and I groaned. My hair were sticking to my face and my eyes were puffy.

A minute ago he was offering me a warm bed to sleep on and now he wants to kill me?! What is wrong with this guy?

"Ouch." He said and placed his hand on his chest. "I see you didn't changed your mind much about me. From the moment you first saw me, you didn't trust me." He snatched my throat and inched closer. His cold lips next to my ear. "I could just end you with a snap of my fingers." He kept choking me. "But I am going to do something else." He let go of me and I gasped as oxygen filled my lungs again.

He snatched a surgical needle and thread and went to treat my wound. Before stitching my injury, he pulled out a lighter and burned the needle, sanitizing it. He knelt down and inexpertly shoved it in my thigh. Connecting the tissues together. The area felt numb and I didn't care. I just looked at him as he fixed the damage he caused.

He walked towards the door and stopped. I watched as his head turned to the left and his hand twist the knob on the exit door. "I'll just let you suffer." And with that he left and I stayed in the dark, alone.


This is it. I wanted to continue the chapter and make it longer since I have planned many things for this story, but it'll have to wait.

Lastly, I wanted to thank you for 400 views. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Thank you so much! 😍😘


Lights (Darkiplier x reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz