Chapter 2: Assumption of Beatha

Start from the beginning

An expression of confusion lighted the woman's face. "O-Okay..."

Beatha ran out of the room without looking back. She went to the bathroom and started to cry.


The children and nuns made picnic in the forest near to Bolli Lake. It was a lake with various types of fishes. Because it was summer, most common type was rainbow trouts and they were everyone's favorite. And the creature which everyone knows and makes fun of was Loch Ness Monster. Sister JSJ once said that monster was actually originated in Scotland and it was frozen solid during recent ice ages. So, it was summer and Loch Ness Monster must have awaken from its long winter sleep in cold Swedish Bolli Lake.

Because she can't go outside, Sister Monica was participating the picnic from the window, watching them. They sat there and played till the sky got dark. They had enough lightings for the darkness of the forest.

It was nine o'clock pm, time for the children to go to bed. They sang Alma Redemptoris Mater as a speciality for the day after night prayer. Light had closed off. Beatha layed next to Arlene.

Arlene was quiet since yesterday like Beatha. She only broke her silence to tell Beatha that the couple who wanted to adopt her broke off the engagement. And the father didn't even come. The mother had come and given the news to Beatha in tears. She had been saying she couldn't take care of Arlene alone. But Arlene thought that woman was upset only because she had broke up with her fiance.

"Arlene, I am leaving here."

Arlene turned her head to Beatha from the half moon shining outside the window, upon the forest.

"No, you aren't. Sister Butter Sock skins you alive if you leave."

"I am not escaping."

"What then?"

Beatha had not said anything to Arlene about the Woman in Yellow Jacket. She had said the woman didn't come. She didn't want to say that a friend of her mother adopted her and was going to take her tomorrow when Arlene was this upset. But she had to say it before it happens.

Beatha closed her eyes. A tear drop left her right eye.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I lied to you. The woman who wants to adopt me... Has came. Her name is Tiril. She said she was a close friend of my mother. And my mother had written a letter to her requesting to take care of me. She's gonna take me tomorrow."

Arlene had gotten very excited. She had had tears in her eyes. She was smiling to Beatha with all her heart but her eyes were saying don't leave me alone here.


Beatha hugged Arlene very tight. The noise they made woke some girls up. Arlene shhed to Beatha and said,

"Don't be ridicolous. You aren't leaving me. I am lovable. I'll find a family the time you leave. Even you found one..."

Arlene turned her body to the moon again, looked at it with wet eyes for the last time and closed her eyes very tight, trying to stop her hiccups.


Beatha left the orphanage just before the ceremony. She didn't say goodbye to nobody except the nuns because her heart was very broke. She was going into memories of her mother, she had the excitement in her heart but on the outside, her eyes were full of tears and she wanted to scream. Even Sister Sofie had pulled her aside and asked if she really want to go with Tiril. Beatha had shaken her head meaning yes. "I have so much feelings inside. That's why I am crying. I am okay."

Sister Sofie insisted. Her blue eyes was full of compassion. "You can change your mind anytime."

"No." She had shaken her head again. "I wish to go."

Sister Sofie laughed to that answer. "If you wish so..." And she added, "Don't forget to come Saturday for chorus." She kissed Beatha's cheek. Then, Beatha found herself in the forest heading to her new home. Tiril had said the forest was the easiest way to reach the home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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