amato animo animato animagus

Start from the beginning

He grinned.

"Are you perhaps abusing your position?"

"I'm offended." Rolf put a hand on his heart in a feign heartbroken gesture. "I already contacted the Misinformation Department. The dragons will be seen as the aliens'. I've also contacted the obliviators for safety measures before I came here."

"You work fast."

"Thank you." Rolf winked. "I thought it'd be hard for you to clean up by yourself, so I came."

"Your kindness might move me to tears." Cassiopeia joked. "But seriously, thank you."

"Don't be so thankful, I still have to pop to the office in five."

"Ah, you had helped me lots." Cassiopeia smiled. "You want to Floo, or Apparate? I'll clean the fireplace if you want to Floo." She waved her wand, and the cloths orderly flew back to the kitchen.

Rolf shook his head. "No need, no need. I'll just Apparaㅡ" The twinkling sound from the door made both Cassiopeia and Rolf snapped their heads toward the door. Standing on the door, with all his costumized glory, stood Captain America.

Looking at the stunned expressions of both Cassiopeia and Rolf, he raised his eyebrow inquiringly. "I didn't realize you're closing...? The sign still says open, so I thought you're still open."

Exchanging glances with Rolf, Cassiopeia resisted the urge to massage her temple. She had splendidly and stupidly forgot to turn over the sign. After healing so many people today, all she want to do is sleep.

But this is a customer.

Putting on a bright smile, she opened her mouth. "About that... We're closing, yes, but how can I refuse our precious costumer?"

Hearing that, Steve's face seems to ease up. "I'm glad. I brought a few friends."

Stepping inside with a grin, Cassiopeia and Rolf could only stared, stunned as people filed in after him.

A man in a red suit took in the room as he looked around before pointing to Cassiopeia. "Antique. I like that."

"Thank you." Cassiopeia replied, quickly composing herself. "Take a seat, take a seat, all of you."

Cassiopeia watched, somewhat overwhelmed, as the city destroyers, otherwise known as the Avengers, make themselves at home as they seated around the tables. They had pushed together several tables to form a large table, and Cassiopeia gulped as six pairs of eyes looked at her expectantly.

Throwing her best saleswoman's smile, she opened her mouth. "Unfortunately, since we're closing, we didn't have much left... I'm afraid we only have black coffee available at the moment."

The bunch looked uneasily among themselves. They must be famished. Hey, what kind of person wouldn't be after fighting aliens for the whole day?

Cassiopeia felt bad, really. But she hadn't lied when she said thatㅡthere's really nothing left at the store but black coffee.

"Oh no, that would be impossible," Rolf interjected, raising his brows. "What kind of citizens we'd be, serving only black coffee to the Avengers?"

"That's fine, really," Steve interjected hastily, but both Cassiopeia and Rolf could see the uneasy glances the other people exchanged.

"That won't do." Rolf shakes his head. "Pardon me, but my burgers and fries are somewhat legendary among my family. Aunt Cass also made a very delicious english breakfast, might I add. It's not on the menu, but perhaps you would like to...?" Rolf lets his question unfinished as it hangs in the air, and it was the man in the red suit, Tony Stark, who opened his mouth.

"Yeah. As weird as it is to have an english breakfast for dinner, by all means, please cook. We're starving."

"Just make it six portion each," A man in glasses speaks, eyes twinkling. "It'll be gone before you know it, anyway."

"Good idea!" The long-haired blond added in, grinning. "While you're at it, could you make some sweets, too?"

"Sweets are my specialty." Cassiopeia finally smiled as she looked at them. "Just wait here, I'll be back in fifteen--"


"Aunt Cass, what's the use of having a phone when you didn't even use it?" The man that suddenly appeared before them exclaimed exasperatedly as he raised both of his hands. "I must've called a thousand times..."

Seeing both Cassiopeia and Rolf's frozen expressions, Harry looked around in confusion before his eyes landed on the group of people sitting nearby.

One was holding a hammer. One was holding a shield. One man were already gone, replaced by a red robot. One holds an arrow. The red-haired lady holds on to the hands of the glass-man tightly.

They all stared at Harry with a mix of curiousness, apprehension, and hostility.

Harry looked at this before turning back to Cassiopeia.

Very faintly, he opened his mouth. "...Uh oh?"


heavy excuse-sounding author's note here: sorry for the wait! does wattpad have a feature for scheduling updates? and then automatically uploads the chap? because i've been down with a pretty serious flu (which got my mother worried because you know... corona) and have been drowning in so much herbal teas and whatnot that i started to sweat ginger... and i found out that you can not update while being asleep while that's what i do most of the time... anyways, sigh.

take care of yourselves and drink lotsa liquids!

xx, alo-homora

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