Chapter 3- Love?

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"I'll leave on one occasion you Leave with me!" Dean smiled at me. The whole crowd was cheering I was so confused I didn't no what to say! I looked at Seth he was pissed and so was Paige she grabbed her Mic and wen't into a rant

"You wan't her to leave with you! HER!" She screamed. Dean nodded smiling at me still "WHY WOULD YOU WANT HER!! I'LL BE THE NEW DIVA'S CHAMPION SOON!" Paige screamed at Dean. He wasn't paying any attention to her Seth grabbed the mic of Paige 

"Amelia is not leaving with you Ambrose in case you forgot she's with me!"Seth laughed "I mean come on Ambrose why would she want a lunatic like you when she has Mr Money in the bank!" Seth laughed. He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. I pushed him off me and wen't up to Dean and grabbed the mic of him 

"Okay first thing first I'll address you!" I turned to Paige "Okay well what you should have said when you was screaming was I was the Diva's Champion but I will never ever be again because let me tell you straight Paige! In fact let me tell all of you I will never ever let you put your grubby little man hands on this again maybe you should get a manicure babe Dean might want you then! That goes for all the Diva's backstage aswel no one will take this from me! Next I'll address you!" I smiled sweetly walking towards Seth

"Yeah tell Dean you would never leave me babe!" Seth smirked at Dean 

"Okay first just a minute ago you was supporting her over me so I doubt I'm your girl anymore In fact I know I'm not! You and the authority can kiss my arse you can have this black haired troll! Oh second I can make my own Decision Babe!" I smiled at him. Seth's mouth dropped open I walked right up to Dean 

"Now you!" I smiled walking towards him the crowd went wild "You may be super hot and to be honest the crazy lunatic stuff I Like it! But I will not leave with you I didn't ask you to come out and the last time I ever left with you well you know what happened!" I said to Dean staring right into his eye's he stared into my eye's back I had had enough of all of these in the ring so I got out and went to walk up the ramp

"Amelia wait!" Dean said. I turned around to face him" I know I ruined everything the first time! But you'r so much better then Seth and the authority you called me crazy yes I am but I know what I want! That's you Amelia I will fight anyone and everyone for you!"Dean said. I knew he meant it I walked back to the ring I got into the ring but Seth stormed towards me 

"You can't leave the authority me and you are still together!" Seth demand's. I stared at him I grabbed the mic of him 

"Oh that's what I came down here to say! Seth were over!" I shouted down the mic. The arena wen't wild cheering Seth's face was a picture he looked so shocked he didn't know what to say! 

I dropped the mic and then ran at Paige I took her out with shade's of Dean I done Dirty Deed's Paige was laid flat out! I got up and winked at dean he looked impressed. I must admit the chemistry between us was hot! Seth walked up to me again but this time Dean got in his way Dean done one of my old finisher's before I was made to do Seth's He grabbed Seth and put him into my submission (It's like the black widow). Seth started tapping out me and Dean never stopped looking into each other's eye's I smiled at him and walked over to Seth who was grabbing his arm in pain. I picked him up and then I jumped onto Seth I done my finisher the kiss of Death I kissed Seth on the lip's and then I DDT'D him. Seth was laid flat out Dean smiled and walked towards me he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him Dean started to lean in so I did two but Kane's music wen't off making me and Dean jump apart. Kane wasn't alone he was with Randy and Stephanie Steph had a mic 

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