"Dean what the hell are you doing get up!" Dean looked at me shocked that I hadn't said yes straight away

"I love you Dean I always have and I always will but I don't think now is a good time! you've just split up with Paige your not thinking straight at all! If I was ever to be engaged to you I want it to feel right not like this with me having blood pissing out my face!" I smiled "I hope in the future we can be together I really do!"

"Amelia I promise you I'm going to prove to you I'm the right man for you" He kissed me on the head and then left, I was in complete shock I went straight to sleep as I had to film for wwe in the morning!

I arrived at the arena and got told that me and Ryan was due to do a segment later but after Dean proposing to me it just felt awkward being around Ryan and I don't know what was going on with him but he was in a right mood and refused to talk to me, I left him and went to get ready for my match against Alisha Fox, we both arrived in the ring and just as the match was about to start I heard Paige's music hit I looked up at the ramp to see her standing there staring at me!

"So as everyone knows Amelia is a homewrecker I mean you've all seen the proof but I don't mind I'm so over it because tonight me and my boyfriend will be out tonight on commentary to support my best friend Alisha fox!" She smirked at me, I could feel my heart drop waiting for Deans music to hit but to my surprise it wasn't Deans music it was Ryan's! He came out and kissed Paige I was stood there completely shocked but I knew I had to act professional they started making there way down to commentary

"Okay so this is random! Ryan what's happened you was suppose to be teaming with Amelia at summer slam against Paige and dean?" JBL asked

"Well I came to my senses and found my true love!" Ryan smiled kissing Paige

the match went on but Paige and Ryan was not going to let me win at all they kept jumping on the ring trying to distract me! I shoved Alisha Fox out of the ring and she landed in front of Paige so I leapt out and went to pick her up. Paige was stood in front of her and out of nowhere she slapped me again I fell to the floor and she was just screaming at me I could feel the psycho side of me coming out and just as I was about to get up and slap her back Deans music hit! The crowd went wild he ran down and helped me up and then got in between me and Paige they was saying something to each other but I couldn't hear because the crowd was drowning them out! Ryan out of nowhere got in deans face and I saw the crazy look in his eyes so I got in between them and stopped Dean from hitting him! I grabbed Deans hand and we both walked up the ramp

"Oh lovebirds! I forgot to say things have changed now at summer slam its going to be me and my hot boyfriend against you two lunatics at summer slam!" Paige started to laugh and so did Ryan! By this point I had enough so I grabbed a mic

"Do you know what your on Paige! but good luck to the both of you because like you just said were both lunatics and were the only ones that can control each other!" I smiled at her, with all the adrenaline running through me I looked at Dean who looked shocked so I just ran and jumped on him kissing him! As soon as I had done it I jumped off him and ran backstage and out the door and arrived back to the hotel my phone was going crazy but I ignored it until I saw the Instagram notification

"Do you know what your on Paige! but good luck to the both of you because like you just said were both lunatics and were the only ones that can control each other!" I smiled at her, with all the adrenaline running through me I looked at Dean who l...

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we are cute! @Ameilawwe

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