Chapter 13

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Me and Dean was starting to Panic over the message I just received

"Amelia just ignore it will you! its just some punk thinking they can screw with us if you ignore them it will all be fine!" Dean rolled his eyes at me

-5 months time skip-

It had been 5 months since the last text and I was taking Deans advise and actually ignoring them and so far it seemed to be working! I hadn't spoken to Dean since then but I heard him and Paige was still together so I suppose that something! Me and Ryan have got a lot closer but Its only in a friendship way although I know he wants more but I just cant not right now anyways! I need to find myself and love myself before I can let anyone else in!

me and Dolph decided we needed a bestie day so we was walking along the beach arm in arm and I decided we needed to update Instagram with a fabulous selfie

me and Dolph decided we needed a bestie day so we was walking along the beach arm in arm and I decided we needed to update Instagram with a fabulous selfie

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@Ameilawwe Bestie day with my favourite person in the world @Dolphwwe
Dolph,deanambrose and 354678 liked this

we spent the day just chilling and talking about everything then went and got some ice cream it was only 8pm by the time we arrived back to the hotel but I felt shattered hanging with Dolph is always so much fun but it always exhausts me. I crawled into bed I saw dean had liked my photo but we haven't spoke since the lift incident and I finally felt okay with not having him in my life. I fell asleep pretty quickly

I could hear a loud banging which woke me up! who the hell would be knocking on my door at this time it was only 6am. I went to open the door thinking it might be Dolph or Ryan for some strange reason as soon as I opened the door a fist connected to my face and caused me to fall to the ground

"What the fuck was you doing with my boyfriend you whore!" Screamed Paige. I just sat on the floor in shock

"What do you mean I haven't seen or spoke to dean in 5 months?" I asked shocked

"you know exactly what I mean don't play dumb with me Amelia check your fucking Instagram! I'm warning you Amelia stay the hell away from Dean! He already told me about that night he cheated on me with you!" She snapped at me and then walked out the front door! I was in absolute shock and then felt my nose and saw it was bleeding

"Fuck!" I said wiping the blood away! I had no idea what she was on about so I opened Instagram and to my horror someone had tagged me and dean in a photo of us asleep in the lift

"Fuck!" I said wiping the blood away! I had no idea what she was on about so I opened Instagram and to my horror someone had tagged me and dean in a photo of us asleep in the lift

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@Unkown123 couple goals am I right? @deanambrosewwe @ameilawwe.

@felicia omg are they finally back together?

@lucy yes finally! I love them together

@stacey omg his still with Paige I just checked her Instagram!

@hater1 omg @Ameilawwe your a slut

@hater2 @ameilawwe your a homewrecker!!

reading all the hateful comments made me so emotional I started to cry! my door knocked again I wasn't sure whether to answer it or not I couldn't handle getting smacked again not today! I went and opened the door and in walked Dean

"Omg Amelia your bleeding!" He said rushing over to my side

"Yeah no thanks to your girlfriend!" I pushed him away from me

"Wait Paige hit you?" He asked shocked

"yes well after that fucking Instagram post and you opening your big mouth about our night together even though you promised you wouldn't! what do you expect I cant blame her!" I sighed, I went and sat on the sofa Dean decided to sit beside me

"I'm really sorry that she hit you Amelia! I didn't know what to say to you about telling her about us but that's actually why I came here me and Paige split up two days ago and that's why I told her about us!" He admitted

"Why did you come here after 5 months of us not speaking are you actually trying to cause more problems for me!" I sighed

"No I never would try and cause problems for you I came here because I wanted to tell you that me and Paige split up because it didn't feel right between us at all! so yes I told her about us but only because us spending that time in the lift together and opening up to each other and telling Paige about us well it made me realise like are we toxic together me and you yes but would I change everything we have gone through no! I'm never going to be that person that can carry you off into the sunset or suddenly make everything brighter for you! but what I do know is that I only feel myself when I'm around you and you make my life amazing and brighter just by being in it and you do control the crazy side of me which no one ever has or ever will apart from you! I then logged onto Instagram and saw that photo of the two of us and do you know what I didn't feel like oh shit I thought I wanted to post pictures like that but I want people to know your mine and only mine! what I'm trying to say is I love you so much Amelia and that's never going to change I know I've fucked things up and keep fucking up everything for you and I know I cant ask for another chance but what I do wanna say is Amelia I want to only be yours and you be mine for the rest of our twisted toxic fucked up lives!" Dean admitted

then he done something completely unexpected he got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful ring I had ever seen

"So what do you say Amelia are you ready to control the crazy for the rest of your life?!"

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