Chap 37 - Umbridge's DADA & Rules

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Y/n sat on the sofa in Gryffindor common room as Fred and George got their suitcase labeled Weasley & Weasley with rock music playing behind them and in the case were six big orange boxes with a capital red W on them. "Skiving Snackboxes. Fever fudge, puking pastilles, fainting fancies and nosebleed nougats. Sweets that make you ill. Get you out of class whenever you like. Obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom. Care for another?" Y/n laughed softly seeing the effects of the sickly sweets the three worked so hard on for years from bubbling boils to face morphing and fever red faces. Fred and George walked over to Y/n as she looked up smiling sweetly with her hands in her lap. "A smashing success Freddie and Georgie but I better be getting a taste of the action." Y/n said as Fred and George sat beside her left and right sides while George tossed her some joke sound jelly beans, Fred noticed his girlfriend winced as she caught the box of sweet treats. "What's wrong with your hand, N/n?" Fred asked as Y/n looked at her hand not holding the jelly bean box. "Nothing, see." She said while Fred and George looked at each other then nodded as they tackled hugged her down onto the floor. "Lee, hold lioness's hands out!" George yelled out as the fourth Marauder walked over to them as they saw her bruised hand with the words 'I must obey the rules' carved into her skin. Y/n quickly got away from her friends and boyfriend holding her injured hand to her chest. "Y/n is that woman torturing you and Harry. If the parents knew about this..." George said as Y/n quickly intervened saying. "Yeah, well, Harry and I haven't got any folks, have I, George?" Fred walked over to Y/n and hugged her close. "Y/n, you've got to report this. It's simple. You're being..." Y/n looked at Fred shaking her head. "No, it's not lads. Fred, George, Lee, whatever this is, it's not simple. You guys don't understand." Y/n said as she walked into a corner of room as Fred followed after her. "Then help us to, Y/n." Fred said while he gently took Y/n into his arms hugging her close as she nuzzled her head into his shoulder as tears slip from her eyes. Hedwig and Lily fly above Y/n and Harry as they walked up to Hagrid's hut sadly looking at place.
"Dear Padfoot, Harry and I hope you're all right. It's starting to get colder here. Winter is definitely on the way. In spite of being back at Hogwarts, We feel more alone than ever. We know you, of all people will understand." Y/n wrote down her thoughts in a letter and gave it to Lily as she flew off then the pair heard howling as Y/n and Harry walked deep into the forbidden forest only to find Luna Lovegood barefooted petting a thestral. "Hello, Y/n and Harry Potter." Luna said as Y/n transfigured some stones into cozy shoes for Luna. "Here, Luna for your feet they must be cold." Y/n said as Luna smiled at her before putting on the shoes. "They're beautiful aren't they?" Y/n asked Harry and Luna while her brother was confused. "Their so gentle but people avoid them cause they're a bit different, they can only be seen by people who've seen death Harry." Y/n looked up at a baby thestral and looked through her bag taking out a piece of raw fresh beef then kneeled down. The baby screeched walking up to the eldest Potter and took the meat eating it slowly then rubbed it's head against her open palm. "I saw dad and mum die, remember. I shielded you from seeing the act." Y/n said honestly as Luna spoke up to the Potters. "We both believe you two, by the way. That He-who-must-not-be-named is back and you two fought him, and the Ministry and the Prophet are conspiring against you both and Dumbledore." Y/n slowly stood up as the baby walked back to it's mum. "Thanks luna. It seems you're about the only ones that do." Y/n and Harry said together before Luna said. " I don't think that's true. But I suppose that's how he wants you both to feel." Y/n and Harry looked over at Luna. "What do you mean?" They asked the ravenclaw dreamer. "Well, if I were you-know-who, I'd want you both to feel cut off from everyone else, because it just you two alone, you're not that much of a threat." Y/n laughs lightly before they walked back to Hogwarts for breakfast.


Y/n walked towards her best friends and sat down beside Fred then kissed his lips lightly making him blush bright red. "Y/n?" She smiled at Fred, George, Lee, Cedric, Angelina and Katie. "May I join you?" Y/n asked smiling til she heard Umbridge's voice. "Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Everyone walked out of the great hall as Minvera's voice spoke up. "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Y/n held Fred's hand in her own as she bit onto her bottom lip. "So silly of me, bit it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom. Minvera." Umbridge said as she stepped up a step as if to look down at the head of Gryffindor house whom did the same as Umbridge did. "Not at all, Delores. Merely your medieval methods." Minvera said as Umbridge scoffed at her. "I... am sorry, dear. But you question my practices is the question the Ministry, and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." Umbridge said to Minerva whom looked at her saying. "Disloyalty." Umbridge stepped higher up and looked at everyone. "Things at Hogwarts are far worst than I feared. Cornelius want to take immediate action." Filch hammered in a spike that now held a framed proclamation naming Umbridge Hogwarts High Inquisitor by the Ministry.

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