Chap 28 - Quidditch World Cup & Fire

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Y/n's POV

I walked into Fred and George's bedroom carefully minding the clatter of pranking supplies and what not then woke up George first then told him breakfast was downstairs nice and hot. I then walked over to Fred's bed and sat on his bedside bout to wake him up til I heard him talking in his sleep. "Merlin's beard, Y/n you look amazing in my Quidditch jumper." My eyes widened slightly as I saw his blush showing on his handsome pale freckled face. "Okay, Freddie is having a good dream about me but..." I leaned down and kissed his cheek, lips and then neck. "Wake up Freddie.~" I whispered in his ear before pinching his cheek then when that didn't work I poured cold water on to him thus making Fred shot up from his bed and cover his bare chest with his blanket as I laughed uncontrollably at his actions. "Hahaha!! Oh GODRIC that was worth it!" I said as I wiped tears from my eyes while calming down fully into seeing Fred glaring at me. "Oh....I'm screwed...."


Arthur, Molly, Ron, George, Harry, Ginny, and Herimone were eating breakfast downstairs as Y/n ran quickly down the Burrows many stairs with her bag while grabbing some egg toast then run outside. "What in the world?" Arthur asked Molly until Fred ran downstairs hastily dressed in his clothes and dripping wet hair, then out of the door after Y/n. "N/n! I'm going to get you back for that rude wake up call!" he screamed outside as Y/n was laughing and squealed when he caught her. "Two sickles says that they are snogging or necking?" George said smirking mischievously as Harry and Ron took the bet while Ginny and Herimone laughed along with Molly. A few minutes passed as Y/n and Fred walked back inside with Y/n fixing her jacket's collar. "Molly do you have any spell to cover up a blumish?" She asked while holding a hand to her neck as Harry and Ron begrudgingly gave George four silver sickles but Y/n snatched them away form her best friend. "Stop betting on your brother and me, Georgie." Y/n said as she gave Ron and Harry their money back before Molly helped her out then the Weasleys minus Molly, Potters and Granger headed out to hike out to meet up with Amos and Cedric Diggory to the portkey but not before Molly and the twins argued about O.W.L.S and their future careers.


Y/n ran ahead when she saw Amos Diggory and hugged the aging man. "Ello, Amos how's your wife and Ceddy doing?" She asked while the man smiled. "Quite alright dear, your  sure you and Cedric won't be getting back together?" He questioned as the girl rolled her eyes. "Amos, Cedric and I broke our dating relationship with no quarrel plus we're still best friends so no plus I'm happily dating Frederick Weasley." She said before she was lifted off of the ground and span around. "Ceddy!" Y/n laughed as the Hufflepuff sixth year and Hogwarts golden boy set her up onto his shoulders. "Morning, N/n how's being an new Prefect of Gryffindor and the golden girl." He asked while the Weasley clan, Harry and Herimone finally walked up to the three. "It's going to be brilliant Cedric but hopefully nothing bad happens this." She said while jumping off of his shoulders laughing as Fred and George fake punch the badger's shoulders. "Come on everyone, let's get moving on now." Amos and Arthur said as they all walked farther until they reached a lone manky old boot. "It's a port key, Harry." Y/n explained as she grabbed onto the boot beside Fred and George on her right and Cedric on her left then the port key's magic spun the group into the sky without a trace til Arthur said to let go leading to everyone to fall onto their backs onto ground but not Arthur, Amos, Cedric and Y/n whom walked down. "Clears up your sinuses right up eh?" Arthur asked while Y/n walked towards Fred and George pulling them up as they came to the Quidditch world cup tent grounds. Wizards and witches from around the world were there to watch the 422nd Quidditch world cup, Y/n hugged Cedric and Amos before following after her friends and brother. Y/n, Fred and George had their feet on the table once more as Arthur walked away laughing softly as Harry gawked at what he was seeing. "I love magic." He said as Y/n got up from the table and hugged her brother while messing with his hair. "Same here, Harry and you boy need a haircut." She said while the siblings began getting ready for the match while harry wore Bulgaria team colors, Y/n wore Ireland.


"Gosh, dad how much longer til we get up there?" Ron asked as everyone walked up the stadium's metal steps til they all heard a familiar voice. "To put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know." Everyone looked down seeing Lucius and Draco Malfoy as Y/n ignored the real blood traitors that is until Lucius caught Harry's jacket sleeve with his snake ornament piece of his wand/cane. "I do hope you'll both enjoy yourselves." He said smirking before Y/n yanked the cane out of the man's hand and twirled it between her fingers. "Oh for Merlin's balls, Lucille shut your bloody mouth." She said while glaring down at the platinum blonde haired father and son. "As I said before in my Third year of Hogwarts to you Lucius, you are truly a pathetic whining bitch whom dares to call himself a self righteous pure blooded wizard whom thinks he can scare me." She said before swiping the cane down then quickly up thus hitting the older Malfoy with a uppercut to the jaw before tossing the cane to Draco whom caught it easily while looking at her with wide eyes. "Draco I hope your studies go well this year and we'll see each other again on the way to Hogwarts til then..." Y/n looked over at her friends and brother seeing their jaws were slacked wide open while Fred and George looked like they was going to burst from laughter. "We best be going, enjoy the game Mr. Malfoy, Draco." With those words Y/n walked on with the Weasleys, Harry and Herimone til they reached the top to watch the world cup. Later in the tent Fred, George and Y/n were celebrating that Ireland won while Ron gushed on and on about Victor Krum so Fred, George, Y/n and Harry decided to have some fun when Ginny mentioned that Ron sounded like he was in love. "Victor, I love you. Victor, I do!" Fred and George said while Y/n hugged Ron from behind as her and Harry sang. "When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" They laughed until Arthur told them that they had to get out of here. Y/n held Fred's hand as Geogre held Ginny's as they ran off towards the woods til Y/n heard Ron and Hermione yell out Harry's name. Y/n looked over at Fred before kissing his cheek lightly then ran back into the fire covered tents and fired defensive spells against the masked death eaters to help other people whom were running away. "Y/N!" Fred and George yelled out loud as she looked around for her brother until her scar started burning uncontrollably making her groan from the pain as she found Harry on the ground while people scared for their lives trampled by or on him. "Harry!" Y/n shouted out as she ran towards him only to get knocked down as well then kicked in the back head and stepped on until her eyesight faded to black.



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A man walked through the smoking wreckage of the former camp as he kicked random stuff around til his eyes set on the unconscious body of Y/n Lily Potter. "Tragic thing scared people do." He said kneeling down on one knee and moved her lose h/c hair out of her pale/tanned face. "My lord can hardly wait to meet you again, Y/n Lily Potter such a lovely beauty you've become too." He said smiling madly before firing a dark spell into the sky while Harry finally woke up seeing the man blurry outline then rubbed his eyes and finally saw his sister. "Y/n! Harry!" Ron, Hermione,  Fred and George yelled out loud as the weasley twins saw their best friend and girlfriend on the ground they quickly checked her for any bad injuries. The ministry arrived and began questioning the golden trio until Arthur saw an unconscious Y/n in his twins arms. "Barty we will need a healer quickly." He said seriously as the bitter man looked at whom he was talking about as his eyes widened seeing the the Heiress of the Potter family line and eldest of the Potter siblings. "Healer! Come here quickly and heal Lady Potter!" He yelled out as he and the others left to look for the man harry had told them about.

Heed The Roar: Hogwart's Lioness & Protector (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora