Chap 20 - Chamber of Secrets and Tom

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Y/n's POV

Harry, Ron and I have been through a lot with Harry and I hearing voices, the trio using the polyjuice potion and sneaking into the Slytherin dorm and Mione turning herself accidentally into a cat like girl, Harry and I traveling into an old diary into 1945, Herimone becoming petrified, losing Hagrid, being chased by magic spiders deep in the forbidden forest and now Ginny was taken into the chamber to die, Percy, Fred and George were freaking out but I promised we'd bring her back alive. I had studied magical creatures for years, the petrifying, the running away spiders, the voices I've been hearing, it's the king of serpents we'll be fighting, a Basilik not only was it's gaze deadly so is it's venom which could kill anyone in a matter of minutes. I ran into lockhart's office with Ron and Harry only to see him packing up his luggage. "Oh, I knew it you are nothing but a fake!" I said growling at the blonde professor.


"Oh, Ms. Potter, Harry and Ronald. How nice to see you three.." Gilderoy said til Y/n walked in front of him and pushed him against the teacher's desk. "Shut it you bloody coward, you are nothing but a lying man whom didn't even do those things you wrote bout, If you did then you'd have scars, everlasting sights of damage to your skin and body. Your going to come with us and help rescue Ginny or so help me I'll pulverize your face into pulp." She growled angrily as her eyes took on a lioness glare from her animagus form although thankfully Harry or Ron didn't see it but Lockhart did. She and the boys pointed their wands at him as Y/n took away Lockhart's wand and they walked into the abandoned girl's restroom. "How are we going to get in?" Ron asked as Y/n and Harry thought til they heard giggling. "Myrtle can you tell us how to get into the chamber so we can save our friend from sharing the same fate as you did?" Y/n asked while having a tight hold onto Lockhart's arm while the ghost girl explained what she was with Ginny before Y/n and Harry spoke in Parseltongue in front of a snake decorated mirror and sinktap as it opened up showing the four a long old shaft like drain. "Awfully dark and unknown eh, well in you go Goldilocks." Y/n said smiling as she pushed the man into the hole then the three heard a thud along with Lockhart saying. "That hurt, and I'm filthy." She rolled her eyes before gesturing the boys to head on down before her as Myrtle flirted with Harry. "Myrtle that's my brother for Godric's sake." She said before jumping down the shaft as Y/n landed on Lockhart making the man fall onto his stomach til she got up thanks to Harry and Ron. "Lumos" she said holding out her wand as a bright light from the tip of her wand showed them the Basilisk shedded skin along with a huge pile of discarded bones from various small animals. "Must be along sixty feet long or more?" She said while lightly taking a large chunk of the skin off and placed it in her cloaks pocket then heard a loud crash behind them. Y/n, Harry and Ron looked back seeing that Lockhart had fainted due to fright. "Heart of a lion this one." Ron said as he went over to help the man up that is until the disgrace DADA professor took Ron's spell o tape bonded wand and pushed him away for Y/n to catch. "The adventure ends here, you three, but don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl, how you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So..." He said looking directly at Y/n and Harry. "You two are first, Ms. and Mr. Potter." Y/n slowly pulled Harry behind her and glared at Lockhart and smiled mischievously. "Say goodbye to your memories. Obliviate!" Lockhart casted the memory alteration charm only for it to backfire onto him and rocketed him into the wall behind him. "Oh, that's gonna hurt a while." Y/n said smiling sweetly til they heard the cave rumbling around them, a rockslide separated Y/n and Harry from Ron and Lockhart. Coughing up dust Ron went towards the rock made wall. "Y/n, Harry!" He yelled out loud as Y/n and Harry stood up slowly rubbing their heads before running over to the wall. "Ron! Ron, are you okay?" Y/n and Harry asked worried. "I'm fine." He said as Lockhart woke up groaning as he looked at Ron. "Hello, who are you?" "Um...Ron Weasley." "Really? And, uh...Wh-who am I?" Ron looked over at the wall. "Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!" Y/n and Harry looked at Ron and Lockhart through the wall gap hearing Lockhart. "It's an odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?" Lockhart holding a good size of broken rock asked Ron as he took while he took the rock from Lockhart. "No." Ron said before bashing him upside the head with the rock knocking him back out as Y/n laughed uncontrollably quietly. "What do I do now?" Y/n and Harry looked at each other then back at Ron saying together. "You wait here and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. We'll go on and find Ginny/Gin." They climbed down the rubble wall and took out their wands again while walking down the cave corridor. "Never a dull day for us eh, Harry?" Y/n asked as they looked at a circular metal door with seven metal snakes on the front. "A Parseltongue locked door, The founder of Slytherin was quite a genius when not crud about muggleborns." Y/n said as she thought before speaking in parseltongue. "Open chamber of secrets and show me your claim." She said while a eight metal snake slithered out and began unlocking the doorway for them. Y/n stopped Harry from going forward. "Ladies first Harry and this way I can defend you as you get Ginny out of here." She said while they walked into the chamber and down the ladder to see snake statues lining the walkway to a giant wall were craved into it was a exact image of Salazar Slytherin, they walked down the way and saw Ginny lying on the water lined floor holding a black leather bound dairy. "Ginny/Gin...?" Y/n and Harry ran forward as Harry dropped his wand onto the ground and knelt down in front of Ginny. "Ginny. Oh. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up, wake up. Please wake up." Harry said as Y/n heard a few steps behind them slowly turning around seeing a boy from looks around fifteen to sixteen years old. "She won't wake." Y/n glared up and down the mysterious boy as he walked towards them til Harry said his name. "Tom. Tom Riddle. What do you mean she won't wake? She's not...?" Harry asked worried til Tom told the Potter siblings. "She's still alive, but only just." Tom said while he glanced over at Y/n. "Are you a ghost?" Harry asked and while Tom was about to answer Harry's question, Y/n spoke up. "Harry, Tom here is clearly a memory preserved in that diary which Ginny is holding for fifty years." She said while Tom looked at her intrigued by the fourth year's intellect. Harry gently touched Ginny's hand frowning softly as he looked at his sister who looked down at her brother and figurative sister not noticing that Tom had picked up Harry's wand. "She's cold as ice. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up. You've got to help us, Tom. There's a basilik." Harry said as Y/n looked over at Tom seeing he was holding her brother's wand. "It won't come until it's called." Y/n stood in front of Harry and Ginny while pointing her wand at Tom. "Give Harry his wand back, Tom." Y/n said as Tom smirked saying to her and Harry as he stood up from the ground. "He won't be needing it." He said as Y/n glared at Tom saying to him. "Listen, we've got to go. We've got to save her." Tom rolled his eyes as he looked directly into Y/n's e/c eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do that Y/n, Harry. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger." Y/n and Harry looked at Tom as he explained to them. "Yes, Y/n, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets." "No. She couldn't. She wouldn't." Y/n and Harry said together as Tom interjected. "It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the Mudbloods and Filch's cat. Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls." Y/n was getting angry as she stood in front of Tom. "But why?" She growled angrily at Tom while grabbing onto his robe. "Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still the power of the diary began to scare her, and she tried to dispose of it in the girl's bathroom, and then, who should find it but you two, Y/n, Harry? The very two people I was most anxious to meet." Tom said as Y/n pulled him down to her level getting more angry. "And why did you want to meet me and Harry?" Tom smirked at Y/n as she pointed her wand directly at where his heart lied. "I knew I had to talk to you two, meet you both if I could, so I decided to show you both my capture of that brainless oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust." He said as Y/n and Harry screamed at him. "Hagrid's our friend! And you framed him, didn't you?" Y/n's knuckles were turning white as her grip tightened on Tom's robes harder. "It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledore seemed to think he was innocent." He said looking directly at Y/n as she scoffed at him laughing slightly before saying to him. "I'll bet Dumbledore saw right through you." Tom glared at Y/n. "He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen year old self in it's pages, so that one day, I would be able to lead another, to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work." He grabbed Y/n's wrist that held onto him. "We'll, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the Mandrake draught will be ready, and everyone who was petrified will be alright again, Let go of me Tom." Y/n said as he chuckled evilly as he pulled her close to him completely and away from Harry. "Haven't I told you two? Killing Mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new targets has been you two. How is it that a toddler and a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you two escape with nothing but a scar while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?" Tom said as he moved Y/n's bangs aside to look at her scar then he looked at Harry's. "Why do you care how we escaped? Voldemort was after your time." Harry said as he glared at Tom as he held his older sister to his body. "Voldemort is my past, present and future." He said as he tightened his hold on Y/n as she trashed against him while he wrote his name with magic in front of Y/n and Harry then moved the name around as Y/n's e/c eyes and Harry's green eyes widened slightly in fear. "You..You're the heir of Slytherin. You're Voldemort." Y/n and Harry said together as Tom glared at Harry and glanced down at Y/n in his arm. "Surely you two didn't think I was going to keep my filthy Muggle father's name? No. I fashioned myself a new name...a name I knew wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world." He said as Y/n and Harry said together at Tom. "Albus Dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world." "Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me." "He'll never be gone, not as long as those who remain are loyal to him." The Potters argued at Tom as the three heard a bird's cry, looking up they saw Dumbledore's pet phoenix. Fawkes carrying something in it's talons. "Fawkes?" Y/n and Harry said as the rare and beautiful creature dropped what he was holding into Harry's hands then flew away. "The sorting hat?" Y/n questions as Tom smirked saying to the Potters. "So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defenders? A songbird and an old hat." He said as he walked up to the statue bust of Salazar Slytherin and dragged Y/n along with him and spoke in parseltongue making the mouth open up. Tom turned back around looking at Harry smiling evilly. "Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against the famous Harry Potter." Y/n looked at Harry as they heard snarling behind them. "Harry, run now!" She yelled out as Tom covered her mouth. "Parseltongue won't save you now, Potter. It only obeys me." Y/n watched as the basilisk went after Harry with tears in her eyes then slammed her elbow into Tom hard enough and got free from him. Y/n pointed her wand at Tom as he did the same. "You want that vile serpent to kill harry but not me why?" She asked as they began dueling. Tom laughed "Simple answer to that question, Y/n Potter. I am going to make you mine one day as my bride." Y/n looked sick at what he just said. "You are madder than a hatter if you think that's going to happen!" She yelled at Tom as they heard Fawkes screech out again, Y/n watched the phoenix blind the basilisk while protecting Harry from it. "No! Your bird may have blinded the basilisk, but it can still hear you." Tom said til Y/n tackled him down and punched him repeatedly in the stomach harshly. "This is for my dad, my mum, my grandparents, Ginny and everyone else you murdered or tried too!" She yelled at Tom as Harry returned from avoiding the basilisk and he kneeled in front of Ginny as Y/n tossed Tom aside. "Yes, Potters. The process is nearly complete. In few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return...very much alive." He said til Y/n punched him in the face. "Ginny..." Y/n and Harry said together as the basilisk emerged from the lake of water roaring out. Y/n and Harry looked over at the sorting hat seeing a shimmer of silver magic then a ruby lined pommel attached to a silver hilt, Y/n reached into the hat and pulled out a sword as she stood in front of Harry and Ginny then ran off into the water drawing the basilisk towards her while climbing up the statue of Salazar Slytherin. The basilisk flinched it tongue out to smell the girl out while she swang the sword in front of it's nose landing a hit til it began to smash it's head into the rock to find her. Y/n climbed to the top of the statue swinging the sword around until the basilisk pushed her back down, she shook her head lightly before seeing the sword was slipping til she ran up onto her feet and picked up the sword then drove it's blade deep into the basilisk's head and brain screaming out in pain. Y/n removed the sword swiftly from the creature and pulled the large fang that was lodged in her arm panting for air. Tom and Harry watched as the basilisk flailed around until it's head hit the ground finally dead. Y/n walked towards Tom, Harry, and Ginny holding the sword in one hand and the basilisk's fang in the other with great pain before falling onto her knees in front of Harry and Ginny. "Y/n? What's wrong?!" Harry asked as he watched his sister crawl to his side as she struggled to breath. "Remarkable, isn't it, how quickly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body? I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear mudblood mother soon, Y/n, Harry." Tom said as Y/n looked at Harry then the diary while her brother removed the book from Ginny's hold. "Funny...the damage a silly little book can do...especially in the hands of a silly, little girl." Y/n glared at Tom growing more sickly pale as Harry did the same but opened up the diary in front of him, Y/n handed Harry the basilisk's fang she held in her hand. "What are you two doing? Stop! No!" Tom shouted out in fear while Harry stabbed the fang into the diary's pages making it bleed out enchanted ink as if it were blood. The Potters watched Tom get glowing rip like holes in his body screaming out in pure pain before Harry began stabbing the clean side as well Y/n smiled weakly watching Tom's face rip open and glow a brilliant gold as Harry stabbed it one last time deep through the cover before Tom exploded in front of them. Ginny gasped breathing heavily as she woke up and sat up, Y/n held her wound as she and Harry looked over at Ginny. "Ginny..." they said together as she looked over at Y/n her metaphorical big sister and Harry. "Y/n, was me. But I swear, i didn't mean to. Riddle made me, and..." Ginny said looking down at Y/n's arm along with Harry worriedly. "Y/n, you're hurt." Y/n coughed slightly as she looked at her brother and little sister smiling weakly. "Don't worry. Ginny, Harry, you two need to get yourselves out. Follow the chamber, and you'll both find Ron." Y/n said til they heard Fawkes cry once more as the majestic bird landed in front of Y/n staring at her. She gently petted it's feathers smiling saying. "You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just wasn't quick enough." She watched as did Harry and Ginny while tears gathered in Fawkes eyes and leaned down shedding the tears onto Y/n's fatal wound, they watched as the wound started to disappear in front of their eyes without leaving a single scar. "How stupid of me to forget, Phoenix tears have healing powers. Thanks." Y/n said as she slowly stood up with Ginny and Harry helping her up as she hugged them close smiling softly. "It's alright, Harry, Ginny. It's over. It's just a memory." Y/n said happily while they walked out of the chamber with Fawkes on her shoulder then the bird flew Lockhart, Y/n, Harry, Ron and Ginny out of the chamber as Lockhart screamed out amazed. "Amazing! This is just like magic!" Y/n smiled as she saw the brilliant full moon and a Hogwarts tower.

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