Chap 17 - Chamber of Secrets and Quidditch

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Y/n's POV

It had been a few days since Ronnie got a howler from his mum, I love Molly as if she were my own mum but she's scary when angry along with meet Colin a new first year muggle born Gryffindor whom blinded me when he took a surprise photo of Harry and I. Over the last few days I would be teaching Draco privately on the pitch along with nearly vomiting from Flint's weak excuses of flirting along that idoit Lockhart teachings, pawn of Voldemort or not Quirrell was a better DADA Professor than this loser. Plus I've been noticing that my guy best friends Freddie, Georgie, Lee Lee, Ceddy, Ollie along with many others boys in other years have been turning bright red around me. At least Minnie taught me about this unknown chamber of secrets inside of Hogwarts. Now here I am in my Quidditch uniform with my team as Ollie went on and on about this year's strategy and practices until we all saw Flint and his team.


The Gryffindor Quidditch team walked after their Captain as Oliver told Flint what was what but Y/n wasn't really listening until she heard that word. "No asked for your opinion, mudblood." Y/n looked seeing Draco speak that word the third year girl hated more then anything. Fred and George quickly held their friend back as the others helped as everyone looked at her afraid. "DRACO MALFOY I'M GOING TO HEX YOU INTO NEXT YEAR! YOU ROTTEN LITTLE BRAT, I'LL SHOW YOU TO NOT SAY THAT WORD TO ANYONE AS I BEAT YOU SENSELESS WITH A BEATER'S BAT!!!!!" Y/n screamed out as she fought against her friends hold as Ron tried hex Draco with a slug curse only for it to backfire onto him since Ron had broken his wand. We all ran to see if Ron was okay and then he began puking up slugs. "Harry, Hermione take Ron to Hagrid alright, I'll be there shortly." She said while Colin tried to take Ron's picture. "How about something better to photograph Colin?" Y/n asked as she took out her wand and pointed it at the Slytherin Quidditch team. In the end she gave Flint extra long front teeth along with everyone else but Draco was getting the worst of it, she levitated him off of the ground upside down as she was smiling mischievously. "Who wants to see Malfoy lose his pants?" Y/n asked as the students surrounded her laughing at Draco. "Y/N LILY POTTER!" The third year flinched slightly knowing that tone of voice anywhere, she lowered Draco back onto the ground as she looked over seeing her godfather Severus Snape right in front of her. "Before you lecture me, I've got a good reason for why I did that. Draco called my friend a mud blood while Flint and the other laughed at what he said." She said as the Potions professor dragged her back into the castle by her ear. "Ow, ow, ow! My ear. Uncle Snape that's hurts." She said while trying to get free since first year Severus Snape became more of a second father to her through the years she has been at Hogwarts. The potions professor brought Y/n into his classroom and lectured her until she had enough and yelled at him. "How would you know?! Pranking is the only way I can feel like my father is with me, stop acting like your dad because your not!! Malfoy deserved to be taken down a pang, he's nothing but a jealous boy, a bully of a spoiled brat. He called Hermionea mudblood so he deserves what he got!" Y/n looked at Severus with tears running down her face as he looked at her shocked til she ran out of the classroom and towards the whomping willow tree and sat near it and cried.


Y/n stayed outside crying til Peeves, Fred, George, Lee and Cedric walked up to her and hugged her close. "Come on N/n it's time for lunch and your performance after it." Fred and George Weasley said in unison as they made her smile. "Alright boys let's go then." Y/n quickly ran towards Gryffindor tower and changed into her uniform missus her cardigan as she and her friends enjoyed lunch til Professor Flitwick called her up to the front as the frog choir played their magic infused instruments as everyone looked at the Lioness of Hogwarts. Y/n breathed slowly as she took out her wand and began seeing her magic to create images as she started to sing out beautifully.

One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and kind hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moor
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
They had a dream to teach all that they knew
Witches and wizards came far and it grew
‘Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake
And a thousand years later the magic remains

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one

Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong
Those who had courage and knew right from wrong
And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best
So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest
But Salazar Slytherin had his own plans
He thought the Muggle-borns didn't understand
The subtleties of magic and so he devised
The Chamber of Secrets with a monster inside

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song
Speak in my head tell me where I belong
And when things look bad and there's no where to run
Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one

Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one.

She spinned an image of the Hogwarts crest above her and the teachers table along with the houses animals among the four tables. Ravenclaw's Eagle, Hufflepuff's Badger, Gryffindor's Lion and Slytherin's Snake. She bowed lightly as everyone clapped for her and The golden trio cheered for her while she walked back to the Gryffindor table until Pansy tripped her. "Looks like you've fallen Potter." The pug faced girl laughed as Y/n stood up and glared at the girl thus making her shut up. Quidditch season has began as Y/n grabbed the quaffle and sped off to the hoops until a bludger began chasing after her and Harry til they were side by side. Harry ended up with a broken arm as Y/n casted bombarda at her rogue bludger as Hermione did the same at the ground of the pitch. Even though Gryffindor won Harry got a broken arm as Lockhart tried to fix as Y/n and Harry said to him. "No, not you." As Lockhart "healed" Harry's arm only for it to become boneless as a rubber chicken. Hagrid held Y/n back as she yelled at Lockhart. "YOU IDOITC FAKER! YOUR NO PROFESSOR BUT AN IMBECIL!!!"

Later that day, Y/n told Ollie that she'd be the replacement seeker til Harry was good to play again only for the something to happen to her thus landing in the hospital beside Harry. Fred, George, Lee, Cedric, Angelina and Katie talked to her til Poppy gave her some skele grow potion which she drank quickly down then gagged at the taste. "Thanks, Poppy well I should get some sleep to heal fully." She yawned slightly before falling asleep peacefully not knowing that Fred and Cedric kissed her cheeks lightly separately before leaving her alone to rest.

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