Skyblueshipping- The start of something new

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But, before they could approach the raven haired boy, his cheerleader beat them to it.

"Ash, that was amazing! You did great!" Dawn squealed in excitement as she ran up to him. Dawn threw her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'm so proud of you!"

Ash smiled and remarked "Thanks Dawn. I had to win, after all, I had my lucky charm cheering for me." He wrapped his arm around her when he finished.

Dawn giggled and blushed a bit. "Oh, Ash. You're so sweet." Dawn cooed.

Serena stood silent, her heart shattered at the seen. Ash was with someone else.

"Serena?" Miette questioned, worried.

"I...I'm fine..." Serena's voice cracked. She blinked away the tears that were forming and put on her best fake smile. "Let's go."

So the two girls walked up to congratulate the battle tournament winner.

"Hi Ash. Great job out there." Miette greeted.

"Yeah, it was." Serena added.

"Wow! Serena and Miette, I didn't expect to see you two here." Ash stated with a smile.

"We came to cheer you on." Miette replied.

"Thanks! You two are great friends." Ash smiled. "Oh, Dawn, this is Serena. I traveled with her in Kalos and we met Miette at a pokepuff bake off. We bumped into each other a bunch after that." Ash explained to Dawn. Then he turned to Miette and Serena "And this is my girlfriend, Dawn. We traveled together in Sinnoh and we got together, close to the end of my Alolan journey."

"Ash." Paul's voice caught their attention. "Nice match. I'll see you around."

"Thanks for the awesome battle Paul. You have some really strong Pokémon. I can't wait for the next one." Ash complimented.

Paul simply nodded and walked off.

"Um, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." Miette called as she jogged after Paul.

"Ok, bye!" Ash waved.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you." Dawn waved as well.

"So Serena, how have you been?" Ash asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. You know, same old, same old. I...I just remembered I have something I need to do. I have to go. Bye." Serena answered.

Then she quickly walked away from the couple. When she was out of the arena, she ran somewhere quiet, so she could cry in peace.

Meanwhile, Miette had caught up with Paul. "Hi, Paul, right?" Miette asked, as she walked along side him.

"Yeah." Paul answered. He glanced at her for a moment, then turned back to the road ahead.

"Well, I'm Miette. I'm a Pokémon performer from Kalos." Miette began. Paul didn't replied. "Where are you from?" Miette asked, seeing that he wasn't going to speak.

"Sinnoh." Paul stated.

"That was an amazing battle. You have some really strong Pokémon. You should be proud of them." Miette complimented, trying to get something out of him.

"Your one of Ash's friends, right?" Paul asked suddenly, ignoring her comment.

Miette paused before she answered, wondering where this was going. "Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

"Then, why are you here, talking to me?" Paul asked, still not looking at her.

Miette stopped in her tracks at such a question. She was hoping to avoid it, and just ease into such a subject. But, she felt like she had to answer him honestly.

"Well, I kind of...wanted to get to know you." Miette answered sheepishly, a shade of pink covering her cheeks, as she rubbed her upper arm.

Paul hauled. There was a silence, both stood frozen, unsure what to do next. Suddenly, Paul turned to face her, a strange look on his face.

"You what?" Paul questioned.

"I...wanted to get to know you." Miette repeated scared that he would flat out reject her, on the spot.

Paul studied her, while trying to think of why this girl would want such a thing. No one else ever had, so why her? Miette was becoming embarrassed under his intense eyes.

"Why?" Paul questioned, after what felt like an eternity.

"I...I don't know. I just...went I saw you, I just had this feeling and I wanted to get to know you." Miette replied.

"Really?" Paul asked. Miette nodded her head. He turned, so she could only see his profile. He closed his eyes in thought. Another long pause came, and Miette began to worry. Finally he spoke up "You want to come with me?"

Miette blinked in surprise. "Sure, I'd like that." Miette smiled. She trotted up next to him and they began to walk. This was the start of a whole new journey together. One that grew brighter for the both of them.


My odd ships (still ongoing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant