The Knight

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Kling... Klang... Kling... Klang...

The knight in training are all at it again, they were asked to trained, by fighting each other with real swords this time. Idk will there be somebody being injured, cause it's a damn real sword.

I'm not into the fight, cause it looks dangerous and I'm still on apprentice level. I do only clean stuff and trained with wooden swords.

Believe me or not, I'm a girl. It's peculiar thing for a girl to be a knight, but screw you I was just trying to achieve my dream. How I did ended up here, curious much? I'll tell you how


Once it was a sunny day, I was happy living with my family. My Pops, my Momma, and Felix my dog.

I was walking in the afternoon with Felix, but suddenly there was a dark smoke coming from non-other than the orphanage.

I quickly help them put out the fire, but it was strange. The fire itself wasn't red but purple with dark blue-ish colored. While I was trying to put out the fire, I saw a girl she looks like older than me but smaller(cause I'm, myself are pretty tall) she sat down by the lake that's close to the orphanage.

"Hey!" I called her, trying to get her attention. She then turned to see me, I was shocked that she start to running away from me. Well, no she was running from the Mistress. When I saw the Mistress, she doesn't look that happy instead she look disgusted and was sworn by anger, I guess.

I tend to follow the girl, but she was out of my reach. I suppose she was running to the dark Forest. Never to be seen again.

I got back from the edge of the forest to be eavesdropping a conversation. A nasty one about the girl.

"She is the one.. The one who caused this"

"Well, you can't blame her. Her parents was a witch"

"Yeah, it's nice enough we burn them down to ashes"

"I heard that one of them has escaped before we could burn them"

"Really?! Well, at least one of them already dead"

"Yeah, it's good to have our village starting to get a peaceful life without their people here"


Then there was a silence. When I continued heading back home, I saw who was it talking about seem to be the girl parents. It was the Mistress and Mr. Gruss.

It's cruel enough for them to talked nasty thing about the girl, but if it's true then it's nice to knowing that the girl won't even coming back here. So she would be safe. So our village would be safe. So the girl and my village would be safe and living peacefully.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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