『IV : New Life 』

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"Wow...you're quite a fast learner aren't you?" Konoha sweatdropped as he saw the full tray of different types of filled breads.

"Not really," the girl muttered.

"Can I try this?" He grabbed one matcha bread , and he soon took a bite on it after the girl nodded .

"Hm...Hey , this is good," his muffled chuckle escaped his mouth, and he gave her a thumbs up.

"Anyway , I see you made a lot of matcha bread , why?" He raised an eyebrow after gulping down the last piece of matcha bread in his mouth.

"I never ate them before , so I made much because I wanna try.." she mumbled.

"Well than , try it out," he chuckled as he grabbed one and offered it to the girl.

She was hesitant at first , but then she grabbed it from his hand and take a bite on it.

It's delicious for sure , because sparks filled her eyes , and she immediately ate the bread in three bites.


She stared at the remaining matcha breads on the tray.


Konoha laughed, before ruffling her hair."You can eat as much as you want , Izugami-chan,"

"Thank you , Konoha-san,"

"Oh , and anyway , I have a small mission for you," he sheepishly grinned as he asked.

"What is it?" The girl tilted her head.


"What should we say to Kaicho?" The heavy armoured male whispered to his partner next to him, who's panicking as well.

The two males , were sent to report to their boss, about their failure at catching one of Senjigahara's royal daughter.One of the pure rare bloods.

"I-I don't know , just..Knock!" The others urged his partner.

"W-Wha, but-"

"Aren't you from the Glaxis Unit?" A deep voice called, and the two males flinched, before turning , and shocked to see that the huge doors had opened, revealing the big majestic hall, a male sat on the throne, in the middle of the hall.

His hazel orbs piercing the soldiers, making them shrink away.

"K-K-Kaicho-san , yes, we're from the Glaxis unit , who's in charge for catching the rare blood of Senjigahara, that escaped from Senjigahara last night," he stuttered as he bowed down and kneeled.The other followed as he continued.

"This morning..we chased it, but it...managed to run awa--Heghh!!" A sword appeared from no where, before blasting to the male and stopped a few millimeters in front of the male's neck.The other one shrieked.

"I don't wanna hear bad news.Search it until you find it.Or I won't let you live another day," the male glared at the trembling males in front of him.

"I'll give you 5 days, bring it to me.I want it alive.Do you understand , mongrels?" He growled.

"Y-Yes!! We won't fail you!!" They both shrieked in panic , and the sword disappeared to the thin air, while the threatened male quickly lower down his head , as he exhaled in relief.

"That's a good respond.I have a high expectation," the sitting male laughed devilishly after the two males left the big hall.

Haikyuu Omegaverse AU  [Haikyuu x Kuudere]《DISCONTINUED 》Where stories live. Discover now