Happy Fathers' Day!

Start from the beginning

Hamilton: Uh... Quinn? What... is this the surprise?

Patton: Just kidding. And don't even worry if you didn't get me any Fathers' Day present, Thomas and the others all gave me a lovely little party. They're such good kiddos! Anyway, I'm just being an escort. *motions for some people off-screen to follow him*


Laff: Adrienne! *runs over to embrace her*

Adrienne: Mon amour, bonne fête des pères.

Georges: *very accented English* Papa! Am learning English now!

Laff: *chuckles* Very good! But it is "I am learning English now."

Georges: *nods* "I am learning English now." Yes, Papa.

Laff: *grins and ruffles his hair*

Marie: *runs into Laff's arms*

Laff: Oh, mon poussin! *picks her up and kisses her cheek*

Philip: *runs over to Georges* Salut, Georges! Comment vas-tu?

Georges: Hello, Philip. We speak English today, yes? I am learning.

Philip: Oh, okay. You wanna go play football or something?

Georges: *nods and goes off with him*

Laff: *sits down with Adrienne, Henriette, Anastasie, and Marie*

Anastasie: Tu nous a manqué, Papa.

Laff: *beams* Tu ma manqué aussie, ma cherie.

Theo: Hi, Marie!

Marie: *smiles* Hello, Theo.

Theo: Do you wanna go play, uh... Mr. Lafayette? Can you ask Marie if she wants to play with me?

Laff: Tu te souviens de Théo, non? Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas jouer avec elle?

Marie: *nods and eagerly runs off to play with Theo*

Patton: But wait! There's more! You order one family, I'll throw in a second one FREE!


Jefferson: *shoots out of his seat, eyebrows raised* Martha?

Martha: *smiles* Hi, Thomas.

Jefferson: *runs over to kiss her*

Martha: Happy Fathers' Day, dear.

Patsy (18): *walks over holding Secretary Squishypaws on a leash*

Jefferson: *breaks into a grin* The family's all here!

Patsy: Happy Fathers' Day, Papa! *hugs him around the waist*

Jefferson: There's my girl. I missed you, too. *turns to Polly* Hi, Lamby! *kisses her cheek*

Polly (12): *hugs him* Hi, Father.

Jefferson: "Father?" Since when am I "Father?" I thought my name was Papa.

Polly: *shrugs* Father, I'm twelve now.

Jefferson: Oh, you're at that age, I see. Well, I hope you know you're always gonna be my little Lamby, whether you like it or not.

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