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You got got out to the festival and saw Diane (Human size) already there as you ran up to her

"Hey Diane! Have you been waiting long?" You asked as she gave you a smile

"Nope, I just got here when you came up to me, so I haven't been here that long" She said as you sighed in relief

"Thank goodness I thought I was late since I was snacking on (F/f)" You said as you apologized

"It's fine (Y/n), really it is. Now let's go and enjoy the festival while we can before we search for Escanor!" She said as she dragged you inside where you were dancing and other random stuff

"Wait here (Y/n), I'm gonna go and get us something!" She said as she disappeared into the crowd then you saw a random stranger come up to you

"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late, something came up" He acted as if he knew you and you were disgusted by it

"It's alright, I was also late myself" You said trying to be polite

"Come on let's go" He said as he started approaching you

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid we never met before sir" You moved back A little bit he was still moving towards you

"Don't be like that babe~" He placed a hand on your thigh, you were about to kick his ass when Diane did it. Literally

"Step away You filthy womanizer!" She said as the pedophile was already running away with a broken butt

"Thanks Diane, I might've ended up killing him if you weren't here" You said as she nodded

"I know. The last one that tried to flirt with you had to be cited by Merlin because it looked terrible" She said as you thought of the drinks

"By the way Diane, where are our drinks?" You asked as she gasped in realization

"I spilled then when I saw that filthy womanizer with you! I'm so sorry (Y/n)" Diane kept apologizing and you told her it was fine

"You could stop apologizing now Diane its Fine" You said

"Okay" She said as you talked and thought of a place you could go to

"Diane, let's go somewhere" You said

"Sure" You took her by the hand and led her to Cliffside that you discovered for quite some time now

"It's so pretty and amazing here (Y/n)!" She said as you saw her face light up like a child

"I know, why do you think you're the first one I told?" You said to her as you sat on the cold comfortable ground

"Thanks for taking me to this place (Y/n). I really love it here" She said sitting down next to you

"Yeah, I come here to cool off my head when I'm mad at the other holy knights or when Hendrickson deprived me of sleep just for some stupid mission" You said enjoying the atmosphere between you to

"Why did you become a Holy knight after you faked your death?" She asked as you began to remember the reason on why you did become a Holy knight after faking your death

"I guess I became a Holy knight because they have information on you guys and I thought after I got the information I wanted I would kill every single Holy knight yet people like Howzer and Guila were friendly to me and whenever the would talk about the wolf sin, they weren't talking badly about it just what did she Do. I guess it was heart warming" You said as you saw a shooting star

"Hey Diane make a wish on that shooting star" You didn't expect her to actually do it but she did

"Okay! I made my wish" She said as you got curious

"What's your wish Diane?" You asked and at the time Diane didn't know that you shouldn't tell wishes

"I wish you and I would be together forever" She said as you leaned on her

"Me too and I know we'll be together forever" You said

"How would you know that?" She asked

"Because I love you Diane" You said simply as she turned red

"I-I love you t-too (Y/n)" You both spent the rest of the night in each other's company

The Underestimated Sin (Seven Deadly Sins x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now