Chapter 6

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(Filler part 2)

You went to your favorite bakery to order some cake

"Hey (Y/n), are you here to order cake for the orphans again?" You nodded as the man smiled and placed the cake in a basket

"This world really needs more people like you (Y/n), who are willing to help help people. Remember when you saved me from some bandits?" You reminisced the times before

"I remember and to thank me you slapped me and called the sin of trickery" You said smiling since that was true as the baker smiled apologetically

"I'm so sorry about that, I did apologize properly and thanked you for that though" He said handing you the basket full of cake

"It's alright, I don't blame you everyone does that" You said as you slid across the money to him and left

As you were walking to the orphanage people greeted you as you walked by

"Good afternoon (Y/n)!" A woman said as you greeted her

"Are you going to the orphanage again?" She asked as you nodded

"Thank you for helping me with gardening! I grew delicious vegetables because of You! Come by and have dinner sometime" You politely refused and got to the orphanage

"Good afternoon (Y/n). I see you have some bread, the orphans were always eager to see you" Melissa the keeper of this place said as you thanked her and walked in where the orphans were playing (There are no adults here so every single name mentioned are orphans)

"Big sis Is here!" Rob said as All the children ran up to you

"Did you bring us something delicious?" Trisha asked

"Of course! I brought you cake this time!" You said with joy as you showed them the cake

"Your the best Big sis!" Angel said as they all began to eat the delicious cake giving you none

"So, anything happened when I was gone?" You asked and the answer would usually be no but it was yes this time

"Yeah! There was this man that comes to play with us! He's very nice" You felt happy that someone as playing with them but there was something that didn't feel right

"Really?" You asked

"Yeah! He said that next time he's able to come he'll take us to the city!" Lonny said in joy but you had that uneasy feeling in your stomach

"Good for you" You said less enthusiastically and they noticed

"Are you okay Big sis? If you don't want us to go with the man please just say so" Mike said as you looked them in the eyes

"No, no! I just want you to be happy. And if playing with that man makes you happy then just do it" You said joyfully

"Yay! Can you tell us a story Big sis?" Jason asked as the little kids started to circle around you

"Okay. There was once a girl who was hated by Everyone so she was sad and alone but one day she met really nice people and they treated her like family. One day the townspeople decided to kill her but she escaped but now everyone thought she was dead, so she was alone again that was until she met a lot of kids that were abandoned by their parents because they were too powerful, the kids were scared of her at first but then began to trust her and now she brings them food and they all eat delicious food everyday. The end" All the children laughed at you

"What kind of a story is that Big sis?" Moira said laughing at you

"Time to sleep kids, I'll drop by when I can" They all hugged you before you left and now you had nothing to so you decided to take a walk in the woods

"These woods really bring back memories" You said as you reached a stone with your name on it You replaced (Y/n) with (Fake name) though

"What are you doing here?" You turned and saw King floating in generally comfy pillow

"Why can't I be? The better question is why are you here? Your an outlaw after all" You said as you rested on a tree

"Just visiting a friend" He said

"Say, what can you tell me about (Fake name)?" You asked King as he thought about it for a while

"She was really strong maybe stronger than Meliodas even though she was just a fairy like me but at the time She was emotionally unstable and the townspeople and holy knights hated her for being that weak I guess? She killed herself and we buried her here. That's all I can say" King said as you wondered why no one recognized you yet (Maybe they're the idiots from a series of unfortunate events)

"So did you have feelings for her or something?" King then turned red

"Yeah but that was a long time ago! I moved on and now I like someone else" He said flustered as you put a hand on your heart

"Imagine the sadness she'll feel when she hears this" You said dramatically even though you were talking about yourself

"She won't because she's not coming back and I should know.." King said and you look at him like he was the murderer

"Geez King, you make it sound like you murderer m- her" You said nearly saying  me instead of her

"I didn't but I'd like to know who did" King said as you stood up

"Well I gotta go. By the way keep an eye on Elizabeth or else she'll be stolen away. I know the kingdom's plans" You said as you walked away

"What does that mean?! What are you planning to do?!" He shouted but you were already gone

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