Chapter 2

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(Your armor☝)

There was female with (H/l) (H/c) hair in the kingdom making her way to the grandmaster's room because she has been summoned

"Grandmaster Hendrickson, how may I be of assistance?" You said greeting him in a low bow

"You had been an exceptional asset due to the demon blood and I want you to watch over Undead Ban in Dalmary town because of rumors that is where the sins are next headed. Am I clear?" You nodded your he's but the joke was on him You never drank demon blood you just spilled it on the ground when no one was looking

"Yes grandmaster but what will become of my partner?" You said remembering your partner who clings to you

"Do not worry he will be given a new partner. Now wait outside as Friesia will come and get you" You nodded and waited outside as you were told moments later your partner came running up to you

"(Y/n)! I heard you were assigned to Dalmary town! Don't leave me" Your partner practically begged you

"It is an unexpected situation Howzer but don't worry I'll be back after this mission" You reassured him. Howzer was the only partner you had been assigned so far and sure he his annoying but you enjoyed your time with him

"You better be or else I'm gonna go to Necropolis just to smack some sense in your dead spirit" You both began to laugh at his joke

"But don't die, okay?" He said as you stopped laughing and nodded

"I won't you said I'm a sin after all" You said as you remembered when he joked you were the sin of trickery because you resembled her

Friesia arrived moments later and you made your way to Dalmary. Once you reached Dalmary you were immediately led to Baste Prison and to where Undead Ban was held

"This is where you will be guarding and make sure he doesn't escape or else my little pets will come and tear you apart" She said as She threatened you

"Bish, no one threatens me. So back off and let me do my job or my sword will meet your throat" She was annoyed to say the least but left anyway as you made your way inside the cell as Ban had an amused look on his face

"What is it today? Execution? Stabbing? Torture?" He said eagerly as you leaned where the door was since they closed it to make sure he doesn't escape

"Nothing, I'm just here to watch over you" You said as his smile faltered

"But I'm not a kid" He said as he pouted

"I won't lie but you're getting out of this place pretty soon" You said

"And why is that?" He had his smirk on his face

"Because the dragon sin and serpent sin are apparently coming to save you" You said as his smirk widened

"And why are you telling me This? So I'll spare you or something?" He said as you shook your head

"Nah, it's because the grandmaster sucks" You said as his laugh echoed the dark room

"Then why become his underling?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I was just looking for information and entertainment" You said

"You're just like me. I'm here because I was also looking for something to entertain me and just so you know I can kill you right now and break out of here" He said as it was your turn to smirk

"Oh, I know. You're a sin obviously, I'm not an idiot like holy knight Jude" You said as his laugh filled the room once more

"Good I was getting tired of the idiots" He said


You had been bored these past days and decided to play a game with Ban since you had grown closer. It was where one would say a word and and the other would have to make a new word using the last letter of the previous word













"Hey I am anything but Dumb!" Ban said as you both started laughing until you felt the ground shake

"Hey looks like your saviors are here" You said mockingly as he broke his chains

"Well looks like I'm leaving then. It's been fun (Y/n)" He said standing up

"Let me help then" You kicked down the steel door knocking out two of the guards as Ban eyes were filled with light he then looked at you

"Hmmm, you look oddly familiar, I feel like I've seen you somewhere" You were mentally panicking on what if he were to recognize you

"Nevermind" He said as he got out

"Hey! If you're looking for the Sloth sin then head to Necropolis" You told him as he nodded and waited inside the jail cell making sure you won't be suspected, you only left when you heard a feminine voice shout

"Wonder who that is" You made your way over to the source and found the apprentice holy knight Jiro in her underwear as the male guards gawked at her

"Alright, get away from her! Report to your leader that Undead Ban escaped and stop staring!" You said as the crowd dissipated

"Thank you holy knight (Y/n)" She said as you helped her up and wrapped a blanket -that magically appeared- around her

"Call me (Y/n), Jericho" You flashed her a smile and helped her find some clothes

"Thank you for helping me in that embarrassing situation (Y/n)" She said as you nodded

"You go on ahead outside while I'll stay here and guard the place" You said

"Don't look down on me because I'm weak!" She protested as you put a Han on her shoulder and smiled

"I never thought you were weak, I just wanted to make sure you were safe" You said as she blushed in embarrassment

"A-Alright then" She said clearly embarrassed and practically ran out while you sat on the couch Weird Fangs usually sit in

"Maybe I should look around?" You said questioning yourself and in the end decided to look around

You walked through every cell and most of them were empty or broken

"And they called this a prison" You mumbled to yourself as you searched the place until you saw a cell where a lady peacefully slept

"Oh and what is a beauty doing here?" You asked yourself as you bent the bars to get in then you heard loud stomping

"Captain and Diane are here!" You yelled in joy while putting your hands up

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