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You wore your princess dress and got out but was surprised the see Gowther there waiting for you

"G-Gowther? What are you doing here?" You asked quite surprised to see him here

"A gentleman was always be on time to pick up the lady. That's what the book said" You were quite disappointed to know he was getting this from a book but was grateful nonetheless

"Okay, let's go then" He offered you his hand which you took and began to walk to the festival in a comfortable silence

"Hey Gowther, why did you want to come with me exactly?" You asked seeing nothing special about yourself well maybe except for the fact that you were stronger than Meliodas and a lot other races

"I don't know, I can't describe it but there's this feeling that I get whenever you're around" He said as you arrived at where the festival was being held

"Well, let's get in" You said walking with Growther as he went somewhere and you found Merlin

"Merlin! It's been so long! I missed You!" You said as you hugged her, she was always like a big sister to you and she felt the same way

"It has been quite some time but I see your with Gowther" She smiled smugly as you smiled sheepishly and turned a bit red

"I guess I am, what about You?" You said as she shrugged

"I only came because I was going to help Meliodas look for Escanor, that's my story" She said as you pouted

"Merlin, you should learn to live a little more" You said as she was about to say something but Somei came

"Will you do me the honor of dancing with me (Y/n)?" Gowther said as he extended his hand to you as you had the tiniest tint of pink on your cheeks

"Sure" You said as Merlin gave you a cheeky smile and you left to go and dance with Gowther

"Are you enjoying the festival (Y/n)?" He asked as you gave him a small smile and nodded

"Yeah I ran into Merlin and we talked about stuff. Where did you wander off to Gowther?" You asked as he gave you a small smile that melted your heart

"That's a secret" The dance ended and you tried to look for Merlin but found Diane instead

"Hey Diane, how's your date with King going?" You asked with that smug dad as she had a bright smile

"Honestly, it's good and to think that the first guy that I loved was my teammate all along. How's it going with Gowther?" She said as you sighed

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't know what's going on his mind, he's like a closed book that I can't open because someone put superglue on it" You said as Diane just smiled anyway

"Well, I'm if anyone can do it, it's You. I gotta go now but I'll try and make time for you later" Diane said as you both waved each other bye as Diane went somewhere

"(Y/n)?" You turned to see Gowther

"Yeah?" You replied casually

"Would you like to come with me? I wanna show you something" He said as you nodded and you two started walking to wherever it was but you got bored easily

"Gowther, wheeeeerrrre are we going? Is it a lake? The Boar Hat? The kingdom? The Cliff? The ravine? The cemetery so you could bury me?" You said spouting random nonsense as Gowther stopped and you bumped into him

"Ow, why did you sto-" He cut you off

"We're here" He said as you took a look around and saw an open field where you could watch the pretty stars

"Wow! This place is great!" You said running around like a child despite wearing a dress before collapsing on the green soft grass as you looked at the stars above as Gowther also sat on the grass

"So what do we now  (Y/n)?" He said as you looked from the stars to him

"You haven't got an idea?" You asked as he nodded then you frowned

"The last thing on the book was take them to a nice place. That's all" He said as you sat down and looked at him

"Do you have anything you want to do?" You said as he nodded

"I want to be with you" This Would be been romantic but you were not having it

"Then I have something I want to do to you. Can I?" You asked as he began to think about it

"I'm sure it will be alright as long as it's not life threatening" He said as you placed your warm lips on his. Gowther sure didn't understand what in the world was going on but he managed to kiss back but were separated by oxygen -This only applied to you anyway-

"I love you Gowther" You said as you put your nuzzle your head into his neck

"I think I love you too (Y/n)" You then just enjoyed the rest of the night enjoying the night with a few stolen kisses here and there

As you can probably guess it's the not so giant, giant next

The Underestimated Sin (Seven Deadly Sins x Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now