Gilbert Knows Now

Start from the beginning

Missed call from Gilbert

So on and so on.

This is Alfred

Alfred thank god

Is he okay?

He's fine now

But I don't want him talking to you anymore.


I don't want him talking to anyone who knows that thing

After that I heard my own phone buzz. It was Gilbert.

Please man let me explain

It'll be easier in person

I understand why you don't want me around Matthew but at least let me talk to you

Matt looked at me with a questioning look.

"Mattie, you go get some rest and I'm gonna handle this. I'll be back in a few."

He nodded and headed back to his room.



The bar where we first met

15 minutes

If you're a second late I'll leave

Thank you so much Alfred

You won't regret this

I better not

*Prussia's POV*

When I got there I saw Alfred leaning against the wall with a cold expression on his face.

I could tell that he wasn't going to be convinced easily.

It was understandable of course, he had left his brother in my care for a few hours and he went back crying and beaten up by someone in my house.

Even I wouldn't want Ludwig going back after that. (If someone could manage to beat up West that is)

I had to try to explain myself though, even if he wouldn't listen.

"Alfred." I gave him a court nod as I aprouched him.

He stared me down and nodded in general acknowledgement.

We went inside and sat down at the bar counter and he asked the bartender for a beer.

There was a moment of awkward silence as the drink was set on the table.

"It's on me." he said as he slid the beer over to me, "Now start talking."

I cautiosly took a sip of the beer and set it back down.

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