Morning After

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*I AM ON A FUCKING ROLL!!! In other words I'm bored, Im currently writing this in math because my teacher stopped giving a shit. Also back to Canada Pov. also mini panic attack, mentions of child neglect, and mentions of violence that occurred last chapter and cutting*

I woke up with a pulsing migraine in a bed that wasn't mine and someone passed out on the floor.

At first I thought it was Alfred but once my vision cleared up I saw that it was not in fact Alfred.

The room was nowhere near patriotic enough to be Alfred's, and the man on the floor had white hair and pale skin, in contrast to Alfred's sandy blond hair and california tan.

Shit that was Gilbert.

Shit where was Caleb?! What happened?

I could feel my breathing getting more and more rapid by the second, what did Caleb tell him? I didn't want Gilbert to know about anything that had to do with Caleb! I didn't want anyone to know about that!

How on earth could I have been so careless?! I should have just gone home and sat in awkward silence with Arthur and Francis! I am such an idiot!

"Hey are you okay?"


"I didn't want you to know." I could feel tears pricking at my eyes.

"Was Caleb your boyfriend?"

"I didn't want you to know. " I repeated, "I didn't want you to know, I didn't." tears were pouring down my face in waterfalls at this point.

Gilbert had sat down in front of me and reached out to touch my cheek. I slapped his hand away and hugged myself tighter.

"Matthew-" he tried again, resting his hand on my shoulder. I struggled out of his grasp and stood up, still crying.

"Don't touch me!" I started walking out of his room, out of his house, then running to mine.

When I got home I heard talking.

Shit, Francis and Arthur.

I was not in the mood to deal with my parents right now.

I quickly wiped my eyes and pushed through the door, praying that I was just hallucinating. But dispite my wishes, I walked into my living room to see Francis and Arthur sitting on my couch.

"Matthew! You're home! Alfred said you were at a friend's house last night." Arthur spoke after the initial moment of shock that a ghost opened the door, "Which friend was it? He said it wasn't Lovino."

"Lovino went back to Italy when I was 16."I signed, of course they wouldn't even remember how I tragically lost my best friend in the middle of one of the hardest years of my life. Or how I cried for a week or missed school for it. Of course, they missed everything in my life.

Before either of them could say anything else I started walking towards my room.

"where's Alfred?" I asked. If I was going to be stuck here with them then I at least wanted him here.

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