Second Date

731 30 57

*I know, quick right? I'm working on updating more since we only have like three weeks of school left and the teachers are being more forgiving. Also back to Matt's pov*

This was such a shit idea. Why do I ever listen to Alfred?
Right, because he's an annoying piece of shit who doesn't shut up until he gets what he wants.

I'm currently waiting at the theatre with Alfred, and Gilbert is already 15 minutes late! I know that doesn't seem like much but we're watching a movie for God's sake, you can't be 15 minutes late to a movie!

Whatever, the movie doesn't start in like another 10 minutes anyway, plus commercials, and it's not like I wanna spend time with the guy anyway.

After another 13 minutes of waiting and he still wasn't here! The commercials had already started so the movie would probably start in like 10 minutes.

"He's not coming Al. Like I said, people always dissapoint." I say, breaking the silence.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "why must you  always be so pessimistic? Maybe something came up and made him late. I'm sure he's coming."

"Right. 'Something came up.' yeah something like him realising that I'm a loser? Cause that sounds much more plausible."

Alfred sighed again, "Like I said! A fucking pessimist! Look Mattie, you gotta stop thinking the worst of everyone, he's probably just late!" he wasn't really shouting, just frustrated and frustrating.

We sit in silence for a few more seconds before I break it.

"I'm going home. He's not going to show up."

"Mattie!" I hear a thick German accent shout, I turn around to see Gilbert running full speed in my direction.

Oh no

You have got to be kidding me, I was really hoping he would actually be late so I could go home and watch this on my own.

Gilbert stops in front of me, panting like a dog, "Sorry I'm late! My completely unawesome brother kept yelling at me." he grins up at me.

"See Matt? I told you he'd come!" Alfred shouts while I glare at him to shut up.

Gilbert's grin grows even wider as he looks at me, "what, you doubting me or something?"

I relpy in a monotone voice, "no, simply being realistic."

"wha-no," Gilbert frowns like I had just told him I had thought he was going to skin me, "how many times did that have to happen to you for you to think that's realistic? My god!" (haha, god is 420 words)

I could feel my breath hitch and I look to Alfred for help. He gives Gilbert a warning glance.

Gilbert must have sensed the awkwardness and he quickly changed the subject "okie dokie then, let's go watch the movie!"

We part ways from Alfred after an embarrassing string of 'be home before 8!' and 'don't have too much fun, other people are trying to watch the movie!'

Finally we got our popcorn and sat down to watch the movie. It was Avengers Endgame, which I had already seen like six times, but
It was a good movie. *btw I just realised that I've been writing in past tense not present tense for this entire paragraph and I've decided to stop trying to correct it*

We sat down right in time for it to start.

Within the first 10 minutes, Gilbert had already started to get emotional. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't really blame him, it was an emotional movie and he honestly seemed like an overly emotional guy. It was still pretty pathetic. *I'm the one to talk, I cried 6 times.*

Actually I don't think he stopped crying throughout the whole three hours of it. (although he did get a text in the middle of it that made him look like he'd seen a ghost which was strange)

After the movie, we walked around town, as per his request (obviously). We talked a lot about the new Spiderman that would be coming out soon and what we thought would be in it, *idk if that's out yet or not but whatever*

As much as I hated to admit it, he was an okay guy to talk to, he wasn't like any of the friends I used to have, like Lovino, but he was okay.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" he asked me after a silent patch. I looked at him with curiosity.

"why did so many people stand you up?" I frowned at him.


"I mean, earlier today, I said something about that and both you and your brother got super awkward, so I'm guessing that means there have been a lot of people who have set you up, but," he looked at me, with worry in his eyes, "My question is why? I mean, you're gorgeous, you're sweet, you're funny, you like marvle, who the fuck would want to pass that up for a quick laugh?!"

He sounded so passionate and so sure that I almost believed it.
No! Snap out of it Matthew! Believing that someone cared about you is how you ended up with Caleb! *90% sure that I didn't already say that Caleb was his ex's name*

"Nobody has stood me up," I reply timidly "He was just a really busy guy, that's all."

I had meant to mumble the last part but apparently he still heard me.

He frowned and stepped in front of me, grabbing my shoulders, I tried to struggle out of his grasp, but he was too strong for me *mattie could probably whoop his ass in cannon though*

"Who was 'he,' Matt?" there was concern written all over his face, I looked away. "Matt, please tell me."

I finally managed to struggle out of his grasp and walk in front of him, leaving my back to him. At this point it was already getting late, there weren't any people around and it was already getting close to my brother's 'curfew.'

"He was no one, it doesn't matter."

I think Gilbert could tell that it wasn't a topic I was uncomfortable with because he didn't press further.

"Well, I should get home. Alfred will flip his shit if I miss 8:00 by a second." he nodded and we started to walk to my place in silence.

When we were about halfway there when I got a text from Alfred.

*bold is America*

Our parents sprung a surprise visit

you should probably stay the night at Gil's

*Badaboom bada bitchen! Two posts and a tag in one month? Where is Mia and what I have I done with her?!

Philophobia (prucan because I'm a sucker)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz