Kidnapped pt5

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I smiled at alex and gave him another kiss. "So how are you feelin?" I asked. "Eh I'm doing good, my body hurts like hell." He said. "I'm sorry bubba." I said looking down. It hurt me seeing Alex in the hospital bed. "Thank god nothing major happened. I honestly thought he was going to kill you. If he did I wouldn't be the same ever again." I said. "How did you make him stop?" He said. "I-I shot him." I said. "Damn my best friend killed a man? Baddie much?" He laughed. I smiled and nodded.

5 weeks later😗✌️
Alex and I have been hanging out a lot, we've been going on friend dates and today we were just going to stay home and binge watch movies. I heard the door open and ran over there. It took me forever because his house is HUGE! I finally made it and hugged him. "So you guys aren't dating?" Alejandro said. "Nope just very close friends." Alex said side hugging me. "Yep!" I said and grabbed the snacks. I look through the bag and saw sourbelts. (THOSE ARE HELLA GOOD) I screamed in excitement and gave Alex a kiss on the cheek. "Thank youuu! I love these so much oh my goddd!" I said. We both ran to the couch and began binge watching Disney movies. 3 movies in I found myself cuddling with Alex. I felt happy and safe in his arms. I could lay in his arms for years. I listened to his heart beat and smiled. I looked up and met his eyes. "Y/n?" He said. "Yeah?" I replied. "I hope this doesn't sound weird and it's out of the blue but I want you to be my girlfriend." He said. I smiled and kissed him. "I want you to be my boyfriend." I smiled and scrunched up my nose. He cupped my face and kissed me. We both smiled into the kiss and went back to watching the movie.

Two weeks later

Alex and I have gone on various dates now, today we were going to spend our date night at the beach watching the sunset. I got out of the car and ran towards the sand. I smiled and listened to the waves crash along the shore. The laughs and screams of families enjoying theirselves on the beach and the screams of people enjoying the rides at the boardwalk. I looked at Alex and saw him watching the waves. I put my head on his shoulder and felt him wrap his arm around me. "Y/n you mean so much to me. I hope you know that." Alex said. "I'm glad I do." I said. "You changed me a lot. I used to be a bastard but now I'm a huge ass softie." He said. I let out a small chuckle and kissed him. "I love you a lot y/n." He said. Butterflies filled my stomach. "I love you too." I said. We looked at each other in lust, our lips crashed seconds later which led to us going back to the car and doing our business. I really love this boy.


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