"I want you to take over the family business." He smiled.

"What family business?" I asked.

"You see your mother wanted all boys. When Ash died she was crushed. She didn't think you could handle a gang, but I always believed in my girl." He stepped closer and closer until my backside was met with a cold hard wall.

"You're the leader of Windrose?" The puzzle pieces connected. My old memories began pouring into my brain that I had once forgotten.

I had snuck into dads office while he was away. This room was forbidden, he never allowed us in.

I grinned jumping on his big office chair and spinning around. I was almost too dizzy when I heard a small vibration come from the desk. My eager eyes just wanted to take a peek.

I opened the desk drawer to find a cell phone I had never seen before. Dad must've forgotten his work phone.

"I said, we will be there in twenty." My father gritted through his teeth. I gasped when he entered his office and saw me looking on his private drawer.

"Violet, you cant be in here." He frowned. His friend entered the office as well. His friend was scary. He had tattoos down his neck and a word above his eyebrow. I heard mom say he beats people up.

"Im sorry I-" I began my long excuse as to why I was in the forbidden office but Ash cut me off.

"Violet, want to play outside with me?" He asked his blonde curls bobbing. I nodded running out of the office to play outside with my younger brother.

"Precisely." He grinned.

"Why would I take over?" I asked genuinely curious as to why my father would want me now and not weeks ago.

"I'm sick Violet. It's terminal. Leukemia, just like Ash. I need someone to take over and it will be you." He ordered.

"No." I said. Cash had entered the room with the other two in tow. Each of them cracking their knuckles making me gulp.

His rough cold hand struck my face leaving a hot stinging cheek. Water instantly pricked at the corners of my eyes but I refused to let them fall. He would not see me cry, I would not give him that satisfaction.

"Wrong answer." He spoke.

I spit a wad of saliva at his face. He wiped it off aggressively with his dirty sleeve. I expected another slap but it didn't come. He left the room and I swear I heard him laughing to himself.

"Have it your way. But you will take over whether you like it or not. Its in your blood no matter how good you think you are. Get her out of here. Put her with the others." He ordered one of the men who brought me here. Others? Who else was here?

Cash roughly grabbed my tied hands pulling back down the long dark hallway I just walked down minutes ago.

"If you become leader, you can grant the boys exit meaning Austin wouldn't be tied to Kara anymore." Cash whispered in my ear. I let his words sink into my brain. I wanted the boys to be free and I wanted Austin. But I wasn't a killer no matter what my father said.

His legs kicked the backs of mine when I didnt move fast enough. It looked like an underground tunnel of some sort. The walls were pure concrete and there were no windows or sunlight peeping through. Was he going to keep me here until I said yes?

After a few more shoves I was finally pushed into a dimly lit room that resembled a jail cell. There was nothing on the ground except dirt and is that... Camden?

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