Chapter 16

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'Mama! Lailah and her lovebug is here!' Zayaan's voice rang through the intercom, he had probably yelled at the top of his lungs and buzzed us in.

I felt my cheeks redden out of embarrassment as Yazaar turned to look at me with his brows raised.

We had not uttered a single word to each other since we left the campus and it was awkward. The awkwardness had seemed to come and go at random times.

I got out of the car and shut the door only to get my left hand's index finger caught. The pain was excruciating, it had reached a point where no sound came out of my mouth.

Yazaar immediately ran around the car and came to open the door.

Once my finger was out, he shut the door and took my hand in his. It was throbbing and thankfully I had not shed a single tear in front of him.

He made my breath hitch in my throat when he placed his lips against my finger, leaving a soft kiss on it. He must have realized what he had done because his eyes widened and his cheeks reddened ever so slightly.

'I...I'm sorry,' he said and locked the car before walking ahead of me.

I could not bring myself to say a single word as he gestured for me to enter the house before him. Once our shoes were removed, we dropped our bags and waited patiently for mama to show.

The minute I saw her beautiful face I ran towards her and exclaimed,'Mama! Assalaamualaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh!'

I kissed her several times and embraced her tightly. I had not wanted to let go until she patted my back before kissing my forehead.

'Kayfa halak?' she asked once we were seated.

Yazaar and I sat beside each other, there was quite a distance between us.

'Alhamdulillah we are well mama.'

She smiled tightly, almost uncomfortably. Almost as if she did not want us there.

'Tuhib ta'kula esh? Tuhib tashrab esh?' she asked her gaze traveling to the stairs the entire time.

'Errr Yazaar would you like anything to eat or drink?' I asked whilst keeping my gaze on the coffee table, I was still not able to look at him.

'Lailah and I will have coffee, thank you Aunty.'

'Why don't you join me in the kitchen?' she asked and stood up only for her gaze to travel to the staircase once again.

'Oh Yazaar you go, I have to fetch something from my room.'

Mama widened her eyes and had tried to lure me with muffins but I smiled and refused before going up to my room.

The room was neat and still contained the heavy smell of perfume.

I grabbed my mother, Laeelah's journal from my beside table and just as I shut the door and locked it, Iffat came out of Thakir's room.

She gasped and stared at me with widened eyes.

''s not what you think!' she said but I had already started to walk away. She gripped my wrist and held me back.

'Thakir and I—'

'You make me sick,' I said before roughly pulling my wrist out of her hand and had prepared to walk away until Thakir's voice boomed,'Don't talk to my wife like that!'

I stood frozen on the spot. My heart had shattered into millions of pieces. All I could see at that moment was the deception.

'Y-your what?'

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