A Different Kind Of Leap

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Convincing her parents to let her go over to Trey's house was more of a challenge than she thought it would be. After a lot of arguing, and a little yelling, they had finally reached a compromise. Sol asked Mom to drop her off early Thursday so she could talk to Trey. She found him waiting in the lobby because Mr. Shane hadn't unlocked the classroom yet. Well, technically Mom found him, but never mind.

"Hey Trey," she said, "So I've got good news and bad news."

"That sounds ominous."

Sol laughed as she carefully maneuvered herself into a chair. "So do you want the good news or the bad news first?"

Trey sighed, "Get it over with. Give me the bad news."

Solveigh lowered her voice a little so the other kids wouldn't overhear. "Well my parents freaked at the idea of me going over to your house. I think the idea of my being alone with you for the whole weekend was a little too much for them. And we had quite the row about it."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-," Trey began, but Sol interrupted him.

"But when I finally got them to calm down, we found a compromise. You should thank my brother because he was the one who suggested you come over to our house."

"Come over to your house?" Trey repeated.

"Yeah," Sol said, "I think it would work. Your brother wouldn't have to worry about you being by yourself, and my parents wouldn't have to be concerned about my safety."

"Do they think-?"

"Oh, no!" Sol exclaimed with a laugh, "But I guess they have a right to be a little suspicious. Anyway, if your family doesn't mind, you could spend the weekend at our house. Then your brother, or whoever could pick you Sunday. Or we could drive you home. Whatever works."

Trey didn't say anything for a minute, then he chuckled softly, "You know, your idea is way better than mine."

"Of course it is."

"Right...," he replied slowly, "Anyway, I don't think my dad will mind, but I'll ask him tonight, and I can call you tomorrow morning." They had just enough time to exchange phone numbers before Mr. Shane arrive and hustled everyone into the gym. And, thankfully, he kept them too busy for Becca to continue their conversation. Or ask what she was talking so intently with Trey about before class.


Friday morning Trey called and said Tony would drop him off that evening before dinner, if it was still alright with her parents. So Sol waited all day with baited breath. She was excited to see Trey, but there was a part of her that was more than a little nervous. She'd never invited a boy over before. Not that they were into each other, or anything, but it did kind of look like that. She just hoped Jacen wouldn't make any annoying comments.

Mom tried to keep her busy helping with dinner, but her mind wasn't on it, and she was probably being more of a hindrance than a help. After she sent the fruit basket on the counter crashing to the floor, Sol retreated to her room. With a groan, she flopped down on her bed, covering her face with her hands.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'll always just be a klutz no matter how hard I try. She didn't have the patience of this. It grated on her nerves; constantly having to take everything slow and steady. And knowing that, no matter how adept she got, she would always have to take it slow and steady. Everything about her situation contradicted her personality.

Sometimes she just wanted to scream until she was hoarse. Since that was out of the question, she satisfied herself with beating the stuffing out of her pillow and cursing under her breath. She was intent on doing this that she almost missed the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Actually, by the sound of the engine, it was diesel. Probably a big truck.

Nobody they knew owned a big truck so it had to be Tony. Sol tossed her battered pillow aside and quickly fixed her ponytail. She didn't know exactly why, but she didn't want to look like she'd just been having a fit in her room, even though Trey couldn't actually see her.

She poked her head into the hallway and heard Dad talking to Tony. He sounded a lot like Trey, only his voice was a little deeper. Finally, the door closed and Dad said, "I think Solveigh is in her room. I'll send Jacen after once I take you to the kitchen."

"Okay," Trey replied, "And thanks again Mr. Winters."

"It's no problem son. We're glad to have you."

Sol waited until they had walked by then she made her way to the kitchen. "Oh, there you are," Jacen said as she came in, "I was just about to find you."

"Well, I saved you a trip then. What's up, Trey?"

"Eh... nothing really," he replied, "I'm just glad I don't have to eat my brother's cooking again."

Jacen laughed, "Well, you got lucky today. No one out cooks my mom."

"Jacen!" Mom exclaimed with an embarrassed laugh, "Ignore him, please, and let's sit down."

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