Taking The Leap

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The 'class' met every Tuesday and Thursday evening, and the school where it was held was over an hour away. Sol thought Mom would freak at having to drive that far two days a week, but she seemed so happy to have Sol getting of the house that she didn't care.

Personally, Solveigh wanted to change her mind and say she wouldn't go. But her parents had already paid for it... and she was getting a little tired of sitting in her room. It was a big leap, though, and Sol had lost her mojo, so to speak.

Big risks had been a part of her life since she was little, but now... now risk had lost its shine. It was so much easier to shut herself away and pretend the world didn't exist. But Jacen was right, as much as Sol didn't want to admit it, she had been kind of selfish. All her family wanted to do was help.

They couldn't help, not the way Sol needed them to, but they were trying. If only they would stop trying to pretend everything was normal. That was what bothered her the most. It was too late to back out now though. Sol could only pick at her food; she was too nervous about the stupid class. She had never been afraid of trying anything new before, but now she was practically paralyzed at the thought of leaving her house.

And her parents hovering around her constantly asking if she was okay wasn't helping. They were treating her like she was a glass doll or something. Like if they so much as breathed on her she would break. Sol was blind, not on death's door.

It occurred to her that maybe her attitude had something to do with it, but Sol didn't feel like more self-examination just now. Right now it was time to leave. Dad took her arm and led her out to the van. He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Try to enjoy yourself a little, Sunny."

Jacen stepped up to the window. "I know you don't want to go, but I'm proud of you for doing it anyway," he lowered his voice as Mom clicked down the stairs, "Give it a chance, okay?"

"Okay," Sol said with a heavy sigh.

She would give it a chance, for Jace, even though she was sure it would be awful. The car door slammed as Mom slipped inside. The seat leather creaked as she got settled. "Ready?"

Solveigh gave a small shrug. "I guess."

Mom took her hand. "You'll enjoy it. I know you will."

Sol put on a smile for her mother's sake, then faced the open window again. She could feel the sunlight on her face. It was one of those perfect, clear summer days. Perfect for riding. Sol bit back another sigh. If only... if only things had been different.

It was weird to be in a moving vehicle without being able to see anything. It was almost like a floating sensation. Sol was just glad she didn't get motion sick. Dr. Hendrickson had warned her that riding in cars might be uncomfortable at first. Cat got motion sick on swings. The thought of her best friend made tears prick in the back of her eyes.

Solveigh felt another pang of guilt for ignoring her friends. She just couldn't face them right now, not just yet. She would talk to them, she promised herself that, sometime. Mom's voice broke into her thoughts. "Do want to listen to some music?"

"Yeah, I guess," Sol replied, "Can I pick?"

There was a long pause before her mom finally said, "Oh... Yes. Be my guest." Solveigh got the impression that her mom had made some sort of gesture, then realized her mistake.

Pretending she hadn't noticed, Sol said, "Oldies, please."

Mom gave a small chuckle and turned on the radio. Sol loved old music. Like the 60's and stuff like that. All her friends thought she was crazy, but Sol would much prefer to listen to The Beach Boys than, say, Justin Bieber. No one in her family got it either. They were all Country nuts.

So she was constantly being overruled about what they listened to on road trips. Sol lost herself in the music and when she closed her eyes. With the wind on her face, she could almost pretend everything was alright. Too soon they were pulling off the exit and into the school's parking lot. Suddenly, the nerves from that morning came rushing back. Sol was having a mini panic attack as her mom parked the van. "Ready?" Mom asked. Oh, heck no!

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