Chapter 20

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It's been weeks since Chaeng left for Australia. Every time I come home and she's not there, I just feel empty. I'm still not used to not having her around anymore.

I sat on my bed and took out an envelope from my bedside drawer. Before Chaeng left, she wrote me a letter. I read it every time I miss her. I opened it and started reading.

Dear Lisa,

If you're reading this, you're probably missing me. Know that I'm missing you, too. Do me a favor and smile for me, please? Living in Seoul even for just a short while has been a very memorable experience to me. It felt like home because of you. Believe it or not, I've never felt so happy in my life until I met you. Remember that night when we watched the eclipse from the rooftop? There's something I haven't told you back then. When I closed my eyes, I wished that you weren't just gonna be temporary in my life. I didn't really believe much in fate, but now I do. There is something between us and I can feel it. I know there's a reason we met.

When I found out that I got accepted to my dream school, I was gonna reject it so I can be with you. But when I looked at my life, I realized that I need to stop stealing from myself. I needed to feel whole again. I know you understand that we both had unfinished business that leads us to different directions. Maybe right now just isn't the right time for us to be together. But I hope someday, we'll meet each other again. When that happens, I hope I'm someone I can be proud of. And I hope you'll be someone you can be proud of, too. Until then, know that you're always in my heart even when we're not together.



I put the letter back in the drawer and went to the rooftop. The wind brushing over my skin was cold, but I didn't mind. I just wanted to be there.

I look over the city and it is absolutely beautiful. I realized that whatever it is that happened in the past, it has brought me to this exact moment. And this is the moment that I can make everything new. Right now.

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