"Stop it captain! Okay, Okay! I'll ask him/her out! Just stop this!" You said covering your face

"Better get going then" He said as he literally threw you out

You walked around town and saw Ban on the side of the road wasted spouting out nonsense. You immediately helped him as you walked back to the Boar Hat

"Geez Ban how could you get wasted before the festival?" You said as Ban was singing something about unicorns and potatoes

"Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on potatoes~" He sang as you laughed your heart out

"So Ban do you have that special someone You want to go the festival with?" You asked as he stopped singing and looked at you

"Of course, she's right in front of me~" He said as he reached for your cheek as your heart heart beats faster and faster but that was ruined by Ban puking all I've your clothes

"Ew!" You said as you left him at the entrance of Boar Hat then took a bath


You were walking around town until you saw a familiar figure on The roof, you decided to fly behind him

"King!" You yelled as he almost fell off from shock

"(Y-y/n)! What brings you here?" He asked clearly embarrassed as you laughed

"Nothing really just wondering who you were going to the festival with?" You said as his cheeks heated up

"I-im not sure! What if she doesn't want to come with me?" He panicked as you put a hand on his shoulder

"Don't worry King, whoever you ask will be sure to say yes" You said confidently to the fairy King

"T-then what if I say it's you?" He said looking the other way as you just chuckled

"Then I'll say yes dummy!" You said as you ruffled his hair and left leaving him bright red


You walked around town some more until you found Gowther trying to get the book seller to give him a free book, you came up to him

"Sorry mister, my friend has a little problem. Sorry to the trouble he caused" You took Gowther's hand and walked away

"Why did you do that (Y/n)? I only asked him if I could get a free book, what's wrong with that?" He asked like he did know how the money system works

"Because that was wrong, everything must have an equivalent exchange" You said as you explained to him how it worked

"Oh, I'm sorry for troubling you then (Y/n)" Gowther apologized as you found somewhere to sit

"Don't mention it but what I wanna know is, are you going to the festival? If so, who are you asking?" You asked him

"I'm not sure if I'm coming but I think I might have someone I want to go with" He said as his yellow eyes looked into your (E/c) eyes

"W-who is it?" You asked a little nervous because he was staring

"I don't know why but I fell oddly familiar comfortable with you, so if you want will you be my partner? If not I understand" He said as you smiled and stood up

"Okay Gowther, just let me think about for a while" You said while walking away


You were walking through the woods once where you visited your 'grave' and were surprised to see Diane there In human size

"Hey Diane, what are you doing here? I don't mind you here but why are you here?" You asked as she turned to look at you

"I don't know, It just feels so surreal. We all thought you were a dead man all these years but yet here you are alive and healthy" Diane said smiling softly at you

"Yeah, I get the feeling even I felt the same way at some point" You said as you as down next to her

"Hey (Y/n), do you have anyone you want to go to the festival with?" She asked as she fidgeted in her spot

"Not at the moment, no" You said as she looked relieved

"T-then if you have no one to go with, m-maybe you could go with m-me?" She said nervously as you hugged her

"Sure, let me think about about it for a while" You said getting up to see your next friend


You went to Guila' s house and found her with Zeal

"Zeal! How are you doing bud? Are you alright?" You said checking him if he had any wounds

"Yup! Remember, I'm a strong boy!" You laughed as you ruffled his hair

"Sure you are, by the way Guila do you have anyone you want to go with?" You said looking at her as she looked away from you

"Y-yes I'm gonna ask him later" She said her cheeks pink as zeal decided to play matchmaker

"Big sis (Y/n)! Guila is lying she has no one, can you please go with her?" He asked giving you the puppy dog eyes

"Z-Zeal! Behave!" Guila said as you hugged Zeal

"Sure thing Zeal!" You said


You walked through the castle halls enjoying the satisfying sound as your boots came in contact with the marble ground but that silence was interrupted by a sound of running and armor

"(Y/n)!" You turned your head to see Howzer running towards you a little exhausted

"Are you alright Howzer? You seem to be exhausted" You said as he stopped to slow down and catch his breath a few moments later he caught his breath again

"You went to the palace but you didn't even visit me?" He said dramatically as you forgot about him

"To tell you the truth, I sorta forgot about you" You said as he fell to his knees holding placing his hand whee his heart would be if there wasn't armor

"I'm so hurt and after all the hard work I did just so I could ask you to come with me to the festival" He said as your cheeks slightly reddened (If that's a word?)

"S-stop joking Howzer" You said embarrassed as he smirked

"Is someone blushing?" He teased you

"Shut up" You said as his laugh echoed the halls

"I'm serious though, so will that be a yes or a no?" He looked at you waiting for an answer as you sighed

"I don't know yet give me some time to think about it?" You said as he nodded

"Alright" He said but this time he was the one who walked away


You were in your room picking out a dress thinking about all the invites you got today as your cheeks heated up thinking about that special someone

"I think I know who I choose" You said making up your mind

The Underestimated Sin (Seven Deadly Sins x Reader fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon