Chapter 5 -

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Shadow's POV

I approached Sonic and crouched down to look at him in his eyes. He looked back at me with wide eyes and small pupils, clearly feared of me. Well, I'd be scared, too. I mean, just look at me. My neck is almost torn, my claws are painted with blood, my eyes are dull and my smile is obviously bone chilling. Of course he would be afraid...

I cupped his cheeks and realized that his jaw was shaking too. I sighed and got up, and walked away like nothing happened. "Damn..." I cursed to myself.

Things aren't going to get pretty... Sonic was right all along.. But how?? All of this happened so quickly...

I walked to the living room and saw the other point of the chain hanging out from my neck, trailing to something else. I followed the chain and stopped quickly when I discovered that it was connected to Maria's neck. Now we are chained in some way together... This is not a good thing though... This is not the girl I became friends with... This was something else that was only possessing her body.

The spirit looked at me and gave a quick gesture, as if she were trying to tell me that I am stuck with her for a long time, perhaps forever...

"Shadow!" Sonic ran into the living room and quickly grabbed my shoulders, shaking me sideways. "Are you all right?! What happened!? "

"I..." I covered my mouth because of the sudden change of my voice. Now it was raspier, but also softer in a way that I can't explain. I took a deep breath before finishing my sentence. "I... I'm.. Not fine... there's a chain...connected to her,"

"Chain? Connected to who? "

"Maria... But not Maria... The evil entity,"

"Evil entity? Oh! You mean evil spirit?" He asked. I nodded slowly.

"See, I told you that you opened a portal for a demon," He sighed. "We will have to call a priest tomorrow before things get bad," Sonic looked at my neck and got chills. "'d that happen..?"


"I don't see any chain,"

"But how? I see it,"

"It's because it's playing games with your mind. The chain is not real...but what you did to yourself is..You need to be careful next time and try not to hurt yourself." He brought me in for a hug. "You must be tired... It's almost four in the morning and you need some rest." Sonic wrapped my arm around his shoulder and helped me walk to my room. I sat on my bed and held my neck, wincing in pain, but quietly. Sonic somehow noticed this and walked to the bathroom, and came back with an aid kit. "It must be hurting alot for the Ultimate Life form to wince, eh?"

"Tch, shut up you pest! I will kick you out of my house whenever I want!"

"Heh, the same loving hedgehog as always~" He whistled while cleaning the wounds on my neck. After he finished cleaning them, he took a bandage and carefully wrapped it around my neck. "There. Now get some sleep. I figured that you might be afraid to be alone now, so I'll stay here and watch over you."

I sighed again. "Thank you.."

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