Chapter 4 -

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"You are not Maria," Shadow receded and struck the wall with his back. He watched with horror as the girl walked towards him. He glanced at her ankles and noticed that they were bruised, and had printed chain marks on them. Then he looked at her neck and saw the same thing. Something must have happened to her. But whatever happened to her, was about to happen to him.  

The spirit placed it's hand on Shadow's cheek and rubbed it a little. When she pulled her hand away, she left a burnt hand mark behind. Shadow felt the place where her hand was stinging, which left him shaking. He didn't know what to do. He COULD run away, but that wouldn't work, knowing the thing would chase after him no matter what.

As the desprettly ebony hedgehog tried to find a way out of there, a steel chain slowly began to levitate from the wooden floor. Slowly it approached the neck of Shadow's and rubbed against him, and slowly wrapped itself around his neck. The chain tightened until it merged a little with his flesh. Shadow screamed in pain and tried to pull it out, but only caused more pain for himself. But he didn't stop though. He dug his claws deep into his flesh and tried to dig the chain out. After a few minutes of crying and screaming, blood splattering everywhere and flesh being torn off, he figured that this chain of steel was now attached to him. There's no way getting it out now. He fell on his knees and covered his face with his hands. Steaming hot tears ran down his damp and red cheeks. His arms and legs trembled quickly, and his heartbeat was unstable. For the first time in his life... He wished that  Sonic was here to help him.


I walked around in circles and thought of Shadow. He's the only one on my mind now. How am I going to help him? Surely there will be a demon soon, so I need to find a way to help him out before something bad happens!

I kept walking in circles until I heard bone-chilling screams coming from his house. My ears perked up. I looked at the direction of his house and saw him through the window.

"What happened to him!?" I shouted to myself as I rushed to his house. I kicked the door down and immediately wrapped my arms around him. He moved around in my arms, trying to escape my grip. He yelled again and kicked me in my stomach. Then he threw his head back and snarled with wickedness, showing me his fangs. I just squeezed him tighter and held him in place.

"CALM DOWN SHADOW!" I yelled in his ear. But he didn't calm down. Not even a bit. In fact, it got worse.

Shadow grabbed my arm and bit it, sinking his teeth into it pretty deep. I chilled with grief and quickly let him go. With super speed I got up and retreated to the darkest corner of the hallway.  The growling of Shadow grew more intense when he began to scratch the walls. His tears ran down his cheeks like waterfalls and his legs shook badly. He clung onto the wall and pushed himself up, looked at my direction and smiled. His eyes were dull.... It was no longer crimson... Not the ones I fell in love with...

He came up to me and crouched, tilting his head to the side as his smile grew wider and more creepier. He cupped my chin and leaned closer, breathing onto my face. His breath smelled like blood.


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